Tag: Database

As we progress, manual processes give way to automated efficiency. However, some decisions simply can’t be automated. For this reason the Oracle Human Task exists. If you want to learn how to incorporate the human element into your business process, attending this session will provide you the basics to getting started, including setting up a…

Weblogic Server is the top application server for conventional systems, engineered systems and cloud environments. It is the foundation for Oracle Middleware Technologies and the future for Oracle Fusion Applications. Middleware consultants can make their life easier and simpler by following the techniques listed in this session. This session provides some best practices, fundamental and…

Weblogic Server is the top application server for conventional systems, engineered systems and cloud environments. It is the foundation for Oracle Middleware Technologies and the future for Oracle Fusion Applications. Middleware consultants can make their life easier and simpler by following the techniques listed in this session. This session provides some best practices, fundamental and…

Weblogic Server is the top application server for conventional systems, engineered systems and cloud environments. It is the foundation for Oracle Middleware Technologies and the future for Oracle Fusion Applications. Middleware consultants can make their life easier and simpler by following the techniques listed in this session. This session provides some best practices, fundamental and…

High availability (HA) is not just a buzzword—it is also a fundamental approach to system architecture that helps ensure maximum uptime and minimum downtime for business services. The ultimate goal of HA architecture design is to ensure that there are no single points of failure (SPOFs) in an environment while not making the design so…

High availability (HA) is not just a buzzword—it is also a fundamental approach to system architecture that helps ensure maximum uptime and minimum downtime for business services. The ultimate goal of HA architecture design is to ensure that there are no single points of failure (SPOFs) in an environment while not making the design so…

High availability (HA) is not just a buzzword—it is also a fundamental approach to system architecture that helps ensure maximum uptime and minimum downtime for business services. The ultimate goal of HA architecture design is to ensure that there are no single points of failure (SPOFs) in an environment while not making the design so…

This session walks audience through several Oracle Database Appliance setup and provides some tips and lesson learned for DBA Whitepaper PowerPoint

There are many code debugging tools available to Oracle Developers. Some require more effort than others.The presenter will walk the audience through a debugging session using SQL Developer with Oracle 11gR2 and how it's used with XML Documents. Whitepaper PowerPoint

XQuery has been around for a few short years. In that time, it has grown to become the standard for querying and shredding XML documents. Embedded in its syntax comes strange notation that usually presents an obstacle to first-time users of XQuery. Additionally, many of its features may be overlooked that are important to use.…