Tag: Database

Your prayers have been answered: after years and years of waiting, you can now build and deploy ADF applications without having to pay one cent to Oracle. JDeveloper, the Integrated Development Environment, has always been free. But until now, you needed a specific licence to deploy your application. This licence is bundled with Oracle Application…

Learn how to use Twitter Bootstrap in your WebCenter Portal (and ADF) applications. Leverage Twitter Bootstrap to create a responsive and attractive website that can exceed your design requirements. Learn the steps required to get Bootstrap up and running on your portal, what challenges you can expect to face, and how to overcome them. We…

Learn how to use Twitter Bootstrap in your WebCenter Portal (and ADF) applications. Leverage Twitter Bootstrap to create a responsive and attractive website that can exceed your design requirements. Learn the steps required to get Bootstrap up and running on your portal, what challenges you can expect to face, and how to overcome them. We…

Databases keep getting bigger and bigger. Business applications that utilize ever-growing databases are expanding at an alarming rate. To stay competitive, businesses require additional functionality, and the technology needed to make that functionality possible keeps getting more complex. To make matters worse, the DBAs needed to keep it all running are hard to find and…

Databases keep getting bigger and bigger. Business applications that utilize ever-growing databases are expanding at an alarming rate. To stay competitive, businesses require additional functionality, and the technology needed to make that functionality possible keeps getting more complex. To make matters worse, the DBAs needed to keep it all running are hard to find and…

Databases keep getting bigger and bigger. Business applications that utilize ever-growing databases are expanding at an alarming rate. To stay competitive, businesses require additional functionality, and the technology needed to make that functionality possible keeps getting more complex. To make matters worse, the DBAs needed to keep it all running are hard to find and…

The capacity to expand into new ventures requires a data management function that is capable of supporting new challenges and even taking a leadership role. While enterprises rely more than ever on IT and data managers to deliver this competitive edge, these managers report that their departments and resources still tend to be mired in…

In version 12c, Oracle introduced the feature known as multitenancy. This feature allows many databases to be managed by a single instance. These "pluggable databases" (PDB) are contained within a "container database" (CDB). The goal of multitenancy is to permit consolidation of many databases within a single instances, as well as mobility of databases across…

With companies left with the ever evolving challenge of securing their IT database environments, Red Hat steps up by providing the ability to secure your Oracle database environments with the use of Security-Enchanced Linux, most commonly known as SELinux. SELinux is a security system for linux developed by NSA with the Manadatory Access Control (MAC)…

With companies left with the ever evolving challenge of securing their IT database environments, Red Hat steps up by providing the ability to secure your Oracle database environments with the use of Security-Enchanced Linux, most commonly known as SELinux. SELinux is a security system for linux developed by NSA with the Manadatory Access Control (MAC)…