Tag: Database

Arthur C. Clarke wrote that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." This has been proven true in many technologies, and it makes troubleshooting of that technology seem like art. But it is not art, it is process, and the intent of this presentation is to use one case study to demonstrate a process…

There are two types of table compression available in the Oracle database: basic/OLTP and HCC. While there has been a great deal of discussion of these methods over the past few years, what isn't often discussed is that there is a third form of compression, known as "trailing NULL columns", which can be considered a…

This session presents the high performance security and secure consolidation strategies for business-critical, multi-tier/multi-tenant cloud applications and databases on Oracle SuperCluster and Exadata Systems. This session highlights the unique security features, strategies and architectures of the Oralce SuperCluster platform made possible by the integration of high performance cryptography, hardware virtualization, networking and operating systems. Further,…

This session presents the high performance security and secure consolidation strategies for business-critical, multi-tier/multi-tenant cloud applications and databases on Oracle SuperCluster and Exadata Systems. This session highlights the unique security features, strategies and architectures of the Oralce SuperCluster platform made possible by the integration of high performance cryptography, hardware virtualization, networking and operating systems. Further,…

Oracle has a number of authentication methods, but by far the most popular is prompting users for passwords. Just how safe are Oracle passwords? How vulnerable are they to malicious attempts to breach their security? In this Quick Tip, we'll touch on the various authentication methods available along with their relative strengths and weaknesses. And…

Oracle has a number of authentication methods, but by far the most popular is prompting users for passwords. Just how safe are Oracle passwords? How vulnerable are they to malicious attempts to breach their security? In this Quick Tip, we'll touch on the various authentication methods available along with their relative strengths and weaknesses. And…

Oracle’s AWR (Automated Workload Repository) provides a plethora of information for understanding what your database is doing during specific periods of time. The AWR consists of 111 DBA_HIST% views, 281 metrics, 652 statistics and a multitude of other interesting DB performance snippets that can be used to assemble a cohesive picture of the performance problems…

Oracle does a wonderful job of detecting and handling deadlocks generated by applications. But you still have to resubmit any changes rolled back in untangling the deadlock. Better performance can be achieved by avoiding deadlocks in the first place. Establishing an enterprise wide order of tables and row order within tables helps minimize deadlocks. This…

The new release of Oracle Database has come with many new exciting enhancements for the High Availability. The aim of this presentation is to introduce some new DataGuard features through practical examples. Among various enhancements, special attention will be given to the new Far Sync Instance and the Real-Time Cascade Standby. Whitepaper PowerPoint

Today, many businesses around the world are using an Oracle product and in many of these at the core there is an Oracle Database. Many of us who started as a Database administrator where put in this position because we were good PL/SQL programmers or good Sysadmins, but knew very little of what it took…