Tag: Database

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

Patch management is a critical and time consuming task for many database administrators. We will present our experience building the Cloud Control 12c (CC12c) infrastructure for the Health Care Quality Improvement Systems (HCQIS) of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). We will focus on the lessons learned and best practices for patching Oracle…

Patch management is a critical and time consuming task for many database administrators. We will present our experience building the Cloud Control 12c (CC12c) infrastructure for the Health Care Quality Improvement Systems (HCQIS) of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). We will focus on the lessons learned and best practices for patching Oracle…