Tag: Database & Technology

Come hear how CenturyLink (CTL) selected the Oracle Database Machine after evaluating multiple platforms to extend or re-platform its current multi-terabyte Oracle data warehouse. CTL is a telecommunications company created in 2009 when CenturyTel acquired EMBARQ. This merger exceeded the capacity of the current CTL data warehouse. To resolve this situation, CTL evaluated the HP…

There are many code debugging tools available to Oracle developers. Some require more effort than others. The author will walk the audience through a debugging session using SQL Developer 3.0.4 and how it's used with XML Documents. Examples will be shown using Oracle 11gR2

An important facet of securing an Oracle Database is the ability to audit. Auditing has now become extremely important as it is a requirement of an increasing set of regulations governing the use of database data. this talk will cover a range of auditing techniques that can be used on Oracle including the default System-based…

Many database management tasks become more difficult as you move from hundreds of millions of rows and hundreds of gigabytes to data to billions of rows and terabytes of data. Such tasks include ingesting data quickly while maintaining indexes, changing schemas without downtime, supporting many connections, replication, and backup. For some scaling problems (connections, and…

Beginners to MySQL often start monitoring and administering their systems manually but quickly realize the need to automate. When the new MySQL DBA is also new to shell scripting, the task of automating becomes even more daunting. This presentation introduces the Bash shell, shows how it can communicate with MySQL and with the outside world,…

This is a two-part session that will take place on Monday and Tuesday. You have to set up a MySQL instance for a test or even for production, and you're feverishly looking through the docs, trying to remember exactly what to do. You install the default MySQL version for your distribution, but is it the…

In an 11g RAC environment, establishing a Data Guard configuration using Data Guard Broker can be a bit tricky and frustrating. This session will provide all of the information you need to successfully create the standby database, create services, configure the broker, perform switchovers, and verify that CRS is aware of the database's correct state.

This week's IOUG Podcast covered Oracle Support for HP Itanium being temporarily extended, more critical bugs found in Java 7, why Java EE is not going to be Cloud-ready for the near future, and how Taleo brings shiny glam to Oracle Fusion HCM.

This week's IOUG Podcast covered Oracle Support for HP Itanium being temporarily extended, more critical bugs found in Java 7, why Java EE is not going to be Cloud-ready for the near future, and how Taleo brings shiny glam to Oracle Fusion HCM.

This week's IOUG Podcast covered Oracle Support for HP Itanium being temporarily extended, more critical bugs found in Java 7, why Java EE is not going to be Cloud-ready for the near future, and how Taleo brings shiny glam to Oracle Fusion HCM.