Tag: Database & Technology

In the latest versions of Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle has combined their ADF Framework with JavaServer Faces resulting in a technology they call ADF Faces. The attribute set of these elements are so rich, developers may be wondering if the art of Java programming is becoming obsolete. This presentation will show some of the incredible features…

Most Organizations setup their disaster recovery environment and hardly able to utilize their disaster recover infrastructure to full capaciity. In this presentation, you will learn how to setup an active data guard environment and best practices to setup active data guard environment, which can be utilized as a reporting infrastructure which supports MIS reporting, Also…

This presentation will demonstrate how to use Oracle VM Virtualbox 4.0 to learn Oracle technologies. Virtualbox makes it easy (and inexpensive) to create cross-platform sandbox environments for testing and development. Developers and DBAs can benefit from the ability to provision and distribute pre-packaged Virtualbox images. Oracle Technology Network also provides a pre-configured Oracle environment for…

Do I have enough memory? Why is my free memory so low? Am I swapping to disk? Can I increase my SGA (db cache) size? Can I add another instance to this server? Are my system resources used optimally? These are all questions that often haunt DBAs. This presentation is The Answer. It covers in…

As a beginning DBA you may have some experience with databases such as MS-ACCESS or MySQL. After a weeklong Oracle DBA training course you are now thrust into your new role. In this presentation we will try to present some of the tools that you will need to know / have access to / learn…

This full day workshop will be of interest to attendees who are considering an installation of Oracle database on Linux on System z. The class is designed for both Oracle DBA skilled people, System z and Linux people, working together in teams to configure and install a VM, Linux, and Oracle environment on IBM System…

This session will provide an update on IBM System z, and the Oracle solutions for System z and Linux on System z. Also included will be an update on the zSeries Oracle SIG, including planned activities, website, and leaders. This session is the first session of the System z Oracle track, with sessions through the…

Even the best-planned database upgrades can leave nagging questions: what happens if my upgraded system performs unexpectedly? Is there a way I can go back to the previous version without downtime and data loss? Oracle GoldenGate allows DBAs to give affirmative answers to these questions. Drawing on upgrade experiences ranging from mid-sized databases to a…

More and more companies are utilizing virtualization in their environments to lower costs and effectively utilize resources. Placing Oracle databases in virtualized environments is not just for development and testing anymore. The rise of virtualization is introducing new performance challenges to the Oracle DBA that are not well documented at this time and these issues…

This is a two-part session that will take place on Monday and Tuesday. Oracle 11g databases can scale to handle tremendous volumes of data, but some effort is involved to avoid the dastardly villians that would sabotage your success. This presentation will help DBAs avoid the villainous techniques and pitfalls in code and schema designs,…