Tag: Database & Technology

A portlet is a reusable Web component that can draw content from many different sources. Oracle ADF and Webcenter provides a powerful framework to build and integrate portlets into your enterprise portal. In this session we will demonstrate how to build and deploy portlets using ADF and later integrate into Oracle Webcenter portal. The session…

Passing comma-delimited parameters to Oracle stored procedure is complicated by the fact that the interpretation by Oracle of commas is contextual. We take a look at various real-life situations where this is needed and a clever programming technique whereby we could avoid the pitfalls and achieve the desired result.

A portlet is a reusable Web component that can draw content from many different sources. Oracle ADF and Webcenter provides a powerful framework to build and integrate portlets into your enterprise portal. In this session we will demonstrate how to build and deploy portlets using ADF and later integrate into Oracle Webcenter portal. The session…

A portlet is a reusable Web component that can draw content from many different sources. Oracle ADF and Webcenter provides a powerful framework to build and integrate portlets into your enterprise portal. In this session we will demonstrate how to build and deploy portlets using ADF and later integrate into Oracle Webcenter portal. The session…

Oracle Application Express is truly an amazing and robust development platform, enabling developers to build applications to meet almost any requirement. But behind the scenes, this sophisticated development tool is quite simple. This session will explore the inner-working of APEX and describe just what happens when you view or submit a page. The overall intention…

There is a buzz going around about HTML5. What is it exactly? And can we use it now? What are the benefits in an APEX environment? This presentation will answer these questions and contain some nice demo's using the new HTML5 features.

Oracle Application Express is truly an amazing and robust development platform, enabling developers to build applications to meet almost any requirement. But behind the scenes, this sophisticated development tool is quite simple. This session will explore the inner-working of APEX and describe just what happens when you view or submit a page. The overall intention…

Oracle Application Express is truly an amazing and robust development platform, enabling developers to build applications to meet almost any requirement. But behind the scenes, this sophisticated development tool is quite simple. This session will explore the inner-working of APEX and describe just what happens when you view or submit a page. The overall intention…

If you look at 10 modern systems you are likely to see 10 different architectures. Oracle is promoting the JavaEE based ADF; many users are moving to Oracle’s Application Express and the rest of us are still running on Oracle Forms and wishing there was an easy alternative. Outside of Oracle, everyone seems to be…

There is a buzz going around about HTML5. What is it exactly? And can we use it now? What are the benefits in an APEX environment? This presentation will answer these questions and contain some nice demo's using the new HTML5 features.