Tag: Database & Technology

Oracle Application Express is an incredibly powerful tool that allows users with little development experience to create reports and applications quickly. If you've never used Apex before, this presentation will give you the basics of Apex and turn you into an confident Apex developer all in one hour.

Oracle Application Express is an incredibly powerful tool that allows users with little development experience to create reports and applications quickly. If you've never used Apex before, this presentation will give you the basics of Apex and turn you into an confident Apex developer all in one hour.

This session is recommended for users who are interested in Oracle Products for Linux on the System Z Platform. This Special Interest Group session will be the final meeting for the 2012 z/Series Oracle SIG at COLLABORATE 2012. Committee members of the SIG, Oracle and IBM representatives will also participate in a question and answer…

A new survey of 581 members of the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG), sponsored by Oracle Corporation, finds that managing data growth is a priority for many companies, but smarter responses are needed to address the challenge. The survey was conducted in July and August 2010.

As the era of "Big Data" marches on unabated, data is coming from an ever wider range of sources, including transactional systems, mobile devices, sensors, streaming media, and social networks. Businesses are looking for innovative ways to better leverage terabytes—and for some, petabytes—of information. This has placed tremendous pressure on IT departments to deliver database…

A new survey of 581 members of the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG), sponsored by Oracle Corporation, finds that managing data growth is a priority for many companies, but smarter responses are needed to address the challenge. The survey was conducted in July and August 2010.

A new survey of 581 members of the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG), sponsored by Oracle Corporation, finds that managing data growth is a priority for many companies, but smarter responses are needed to address the challenge. The survey was conducted in July and August 2010.

As organizations continue to grow through mergers and acquisitions, the need to consolidate representations of entities within these organizations becomes paramount. Master Data Management is the utilization of procedures and software tools to provide a consistent view of all essential entities within an organization. This presentation will outline strategies, methods for overcoming roadblocks and Oracle's…

As organizations continue to grow through mergers and acquisitions, the need to consolidate representations of entities within these organizations becomes paramount. Master Data Management is the utilization of procedures and software tools to provide a consistent view of all essential entities within an organization. This presentation will outline strategies, methods for overcoming roadblocks and Oracle's…

As organizations continue to grow through mergers and acquisitions, the need to consolidate representations of entities within these organizations becomes paramount. Master Data Management is the utilization of procedures and software tools to provide a consistent view of all essential entities within an organization. This presentation will outline strategies, methods for overcoming roadblocks and Oracle's…