Tag: Database & Technology

Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) replaced Statspack in Oracle 10g and 11g. It has immediate value and worthwhile information using standard out-of-the-box reporting. However, what most do not realize is that the AWR data and queries can be used in different ways to give you a different way of looking at your performance data. It is…

This session includes key considerations for how to maximize the value of a Business Intelligence Solution by using forecasting. With Business Intelligence Solutions, many solutions are often only reporting information on an operational level. But, when forecasting is incorporated in with businesses intelligence solutions, businesses can make better plans, lower future costs, and drive the…

This session includes key considerations for how to maximize the value of a Business Intelligence Solution by using forecasting. With Business Intelligence Solutions, many solutions are often only reporting information on an operational level. But, when forecasting is incorporated in with businesses intelligence solutions, businesses can make better plans, lower future costs, and drive the…

The ability to display data using an appropriate visualization is key to providing insights to business intelligence users. For data with a geographical dimension, geo-spatial views can often be most appropriate. Wider adoption of geo-spatial analytic visualizations in companies has hampered because of the challenge of acquiring mapping and geospatial data, of integrating mapping applications…

The ability to display data using an appropriate visualization is key to providing insights to business intelligence users. For data with a geographical dimension, geo-spatial views can often be most appropriate. Wider adoption of geo-spatial analytic visualizations in companies has hampered because of the challenge of acquiring mapping and geospatial data, of integrating mapping applications…

This presentation is a live demo on building geospatial map-based BI dashboards. Map Views (aka geo-spatial visualizations) are planned in a forthcoming release Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition and shall offer a point-and-click way of building highly interactive, AJAX based geo-spatial visualizations with analytics data overlain on top. The session will cover the following…

This presentation is a live demo on building geospatial map-based BI dashboards. Map Views (aka geo-spatial visualizations) are planned in a forthcoming release Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition and shall offer a point-and-click way of building highly interactive, AJAX based geo-spatial visualizations with analytics data overlain on top. The session will cover the following…

Oracle Database 11g is a comprehensive database platform for data warehousing and business intelligence that combines industry-leading scalability and performance, deeply-integrated analytics such as OLAP and Data Mining, and embedded integration and data-quality. Also for data warehousing, the Sun Oracle Database Machine provides a complete, integrated hardware and software solution for high performance data warehousing,…

Manufacturers, oil refineries, energy companies, consumer products firms and many others grapple with challenging environments. These environments demand high-uptime, continuous through-put, high-volume, and other constraints. Whether your toughest challenge is keeping your operations running 24x7, eliminating contaminations, reducing errors, or otherwise streamlining your operations, Business Intelligence can play a key role in your success. Learn…

Manufacturers, oil refineries, energy companies, consumer products firms and many others grapple with challenging environments. These environments demand high-uptime, continuous through-put, high-volume, and other constraints. Whether your toughest challenge is keeping your operations running 24x7, eliminating contaminations, reducing errors, or otherwise streamlining your operations, Business Intelligence can play a key role in your success. Learn…