Tag: Database & Technology

Workfkows are an important part of a Document Management, Records Management or Web Content Management system. From simple document approval to complex business processes across multiple systems.In this session we explore the workflow capabilities of Oracle UCM. First we explain the built-in Oracle UCM workflows, show some examples and explain the possibilities of advanced workflow…

Workfkows are an important part of a Document Management, Records Management or Web Content Management system. From simple document approval to complex business processes across multiple systems.In this session we explore the workflow capabilities of Oracle UCM. First we explain the built-in Oracle UCM workflows, show some examples and explain the possibilities of advanced workflow…

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

Workfkows are an important part of a Document Management, Records Management or Web Content Management system. From simple document approval to complex business processes across multiple systems.In this session we explore the workflow capabilities of Oracle UCM. First we explain the built-in Oracle UCM workflows, show some examples and explain the possibilities of advanced workflow…

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

Security should never be an afterthought with any type of application development. Rather, it should be incorporated into your system design from day one. Unfortunately, many APEX developers forget this rule and try to retrofit in security during the last hours of development before going live. This session will discuss how to incorporate security into…

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

Security should never be an afterthought with any type of application development. Rather, it should be incorporated into your system design from day one. Unfortunately, many APEX developers forget this rule and try to retrofit in security during the last hours of development before going live. This session will discuss how to incorporate security into…