Tag: Database & Technology

For Site Studio websites, the performance of the web server will ultimately determine load duration and response time for your pages. For the most efficient delivery of pages, site assets such as JavaScript, CSS, and images can be combined, while some code fragments in Idoc Script can be cached.

This session will cover the new advancements in Oracle WCM 11g. Site Studio for External Applications manages site structure and assets with JDeveloper while legacy Site Studio Designer and site structure remains consistent between the 10g and 11g platforms. Learn the important distinctions between the two WCM options as well as how to make the…

Branding or customizing the look and feel of Content Server can be an early âwinâ for any organization implementing Oracle Content Management. This session will present some of the more commonly desired customizations, including: images/logos, color schemes, hiding menus and menu items, reordering menu items, and others, with the end goal being to increase user…

This session will cover the new advancements in Oracle WCM 11g. Site Studio for External Applications manages site structure and assets with JDeveloper while legacy Site Studio Designer and site structure remains consistent between the 10g and 11g platforms. Learn the important distinctions between the two WCM options as well as how to make the…

For Site Studio websites, the performance of the web server will ultimately determine load duration and response time for your pages. For the most efficient delivery of pages, site assets such as JavaScript, CSS, and images can be combined, while some code fragments in Idoc Script can be cached.

For Site Studio websites, the performance of the web server will ultimately determine load duration and response time for your pages. For the most efficient delivery of pages, site assets such as JavaScript, CSS, and images can be combined, while some code fragments in Idoc Script can be cached.

Branding or customizing the look and feel of Content Server can be an early âwinâ for any organization implementing Oracle Content Management. This session will present some of the more commonly desired customizations, including: images/logos, color schemes, hiding menus and menu items, reordering menu items, and others, with the end goal being to increase user…

For Site Studio websites, the performance of the web server will ultimately determine load duration and response time for your pages. For the most efficient delivery of pages, site assets such as JavaScript, CSS, and images can be combined, while some code fragments in Idoc Script can be cached.

Branding or customizing the look and feel of Content Server can be an early âwinâ for any organization implementing Oracle Content Management. This session will present some of the more commonly desired customizations, including: images/logos, color schemes, hiding menus and menu items, reordering menu items, and others, with the end goal being to increase user…