Tag: Database & Technology

Although real-time Business Intelligence and OLTP applications have drastically different response time requirements, both require real-time response to the applications. Flash storage and in-memory database technology are used to improve application response time and throughput. Neither technology is a substitute for the other. Come learn how in-memory database technology complements your storage selection to accelerate…

Application DBA plays a very important role in Agile development project. In addition to the regular DBA tasks, he/she need to activiely invovled in the project, attending daily status meeting, get better estimate on the tasks and be very proactive. Real experiences and lessions leanred as application DBA in the Agile development will be explained…

Founded by two high school students in 2005, myYearbook.com has grown to become one of the top 5 social networks and one of the top 25 most trafficked web sites in the United States. In the face of such growth and large traffic volumes, we continually face technical challenges in achieving operational stability. In this…

Many IT staff worry on a day to day basis that IT is being commoditized, outsourced, or managed by another vendor. Job loss concerns abound. Is the innovation in IT being stalled for operational support? This session will discuss ways to breathe life into your IT organization and ensure that not only are business requirements…

Application DBA plays a very important role in Agile development project. In addition to the regular DBA tasks, he/she need to activiely invovled in the project, attending daily status meeting, get better estimate on the tasks and be very proactive. Real experiences and lessions leanred as application DBA in the Agile development will be explained…

Founded by two high school students in 2005, myYearbook.com has grown to become one of the top 5 social networks and one of the top 25 most trafficked web sites in the United States. In the face of such growth and large traffic volumes, we continually face technical challenges in achieving operational stability. In this…

Application DBA plays a very important role in Agile development project. In addition to the regular DBA tasks, he/she need to activiely invovled in the project, attending daily status meeting, get better estimate on the tasks and be very proactive. Real experiences and lessions leanred as application DBA in the Agile development will be explained…

Have you contemplated either you, one of your employees, or a consultant working remotely? This session will go into the benefits of working remotely as well as some of the tools and techniques that can be used to help when working remotely. Topics covered will include: Benefits for the employee/consultant Benefits for companies Tools and…

Many IT staff worry on a day to day basis that IT is being commoditized, outsourced, or managed by another vendor. Job loss concerns abound. Is the innovation in IT being stalled for operational support? This session will discuss ways to breathe life into your IT organization and ensure that not only are business requirements…

Application DBA plays a very important role in Agile development project. In addition to the regular DBA tasks, he/she need to activiely invovled in the project, attending daily status meeting, get better estimate on the tasks and be very proactive. Real experiences and lessions leanred as application DBA in the Agile development will be explained…