Tag: Database & Technology

RAC and Clusterware are complex environments to administer and even more so when there are problems. Learn about various tools and utilities which can be used to troubleshoot, instrument and diagnose these problems.

An overview of High Availability Solutions with MySQL with case studies of customer deployments in the field

Many of today’s application interfaces are Web-based and dynamic using the power of relational databases like Oracle and MySQL to provide “live” data on demand. This capability has made modern Web-based applications key to many business processes. But BEWARE; unwitting coding practices may lead to something called “SQL Injection” where someone taking advantage of poorly…

Oracle VM provides users with an array of new capabilities for managing and consolidating workloads as a first step to a cloud implementation. The underlying hardware needs to be architected to combine compute, network, and storage elements balanced correctly to make sure of maximum performance. Oracle VM on the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS)…

Find out how to control that unruly, unstructured content with metadata. Learn about topics such as metadata discovery, controlled vocabularies and parametric search. See how Oracle WebCenter Content can provide you with technologies and tools to implement these ideas.

We are alarmed by a recent trend back to the philosophy of closed, proprietary servers that was popular in the 1960s and all but dead by the mid-80s. The idea of open systems as an alternative to the proprietary mainframe was championed by Oracle, HP, DEC, and others in the 1980s, and the arguments in…

This seminar will teach you the beginnings of flashback. It will cover flashback from simple like flashback query to complex like flashback database.

This session will explain how to install and patch Oracle database software using Dual Oracle Homes. Dual Oracle Homes give you the flexibility to patch one Oracle Home while leaving the other at the current patch level. We will cover all the benefits of using Dual Oracle Homes and dive into how we implemented this…

This talk will show use cases for when and how to use either SOAP protocols or the REST architecture to build Java applications. It will also discuss interoperability with non-Java frameworks. For each use case, it will show Java programming models from the JAX-WS and JAX-RS specifications. Where those specifications do not cover a feature…

Oracle 11g offers several methods for database duplication, including duplicating to the same server or duplicating to an alternate or development platform for use as development instance. This talk will provide a real-life step-by-step example of how I use Oracle Active Duplication in 11gR2 to duplicate or clone my production instance to a development instance…