Tag: Database & Technology

Growing volumes of data ... expanding numbers of database instances ... increasing licensing fees ... shortages of critical data management skills ... tight IT budgets ... As organizations rely more and more on the quality and availability of data to better compete on analytics in the global economy, they are encountering difficult challenges in managing…

In this day and age, for many organizations, data is not only crossing into the hundreds of terabytes, but into the near petabyte(PB) and multi-petabyte range. Data is streaming into, out of, and through enterprises from a dizzying array of sources—transactions, remote devices, partnersites, websites, and non-stop user-generated content. Not only are the data stores…

Data warehousing is undergoing the most radicaltransformation seen since it was first conceived in the 1970s,and brought to market in the late 1980s and 1990s. One reason for this transformation is that data warehouses are on the front lines of the Big Data explosion. Not only do companies need to manage and store hundreds of…

Data warehousing is undergoing the most radicaltransformation seen since it was first conceived in the 1970s,and brought to market in the late 1980s and 1990s. One reason for this transformation is that data warehouses are on the front lines of the Big Data explosion. Not only do companies need to manage and store hundreds of…

More than half way through, 2011 is shaping up to be a recordyear for data breaches. In one of the more egregious incidentsearlier this year, more than four million websites fell prey to aSQL injection attack. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.The same lack of controls that enable hackers to compromisedatabase servers…

More than half way through, 2011 is shaping up to be a recordyear for data breaches. In one of the more egregious incidentsearlier this year, more than four million websites fell prey to aSQL injection attack. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.The same lack of controls that enable hackers to compromisedatabase servers…