Tag: Database & Technology

IOUG President John Matelski interviewed Oracle CEO Mark Hurd. The pair talked about four strategic focus areas of Oracle, the value of user group communities, and Oracle's customer focus and acquisitions.

IOUG President John Matelski interviewed Oracle CEO Mark Hurd. The pair talked about four strategic focus areas of Oracle, the value of user group communities, and Oracle's customer focus and acquisitions.

IOUG President John Matelski interviewed Oracle CEO Mark Hurd. The pair talked about four strategic focus areas of Oracle, the value of user group communities, and Oracle's customer focus and acquisitions.

Originally Broadcasted: 8.16.12 Featured Speaker: Balaji Yelamachili, VP Oracle- Keynote Speaker

Originally Broadcasted: 8.16.12 Featured Speaker: Matt Brandwein, Oracle Corporation Click here to view a PDF of the presentation slides

Thanks to relentless global competition and an unforgiving economy, organizations have been under non-stop pressure to deliver products and services. For many the lifeblood of finding new opportunities has been to mine the data assets being gathered from all corners of their enterprise and beyond—transactions, customer data, employee input, and information about market conditions. However,…

Thanks to relentless global competition and an unforgiving economy, organizations have been under non-stop pressure to deliver products and services. For many the lifeblood of finding new opportunities has been to mine the data assets being gathered from all corners of their enterprise and beyond—transactions, customer data, employee input, and information about market conditions. However,…

As the era of "Big Data" marches on unabated, data is coming from an ever wider range of sources, including transactional systems, mobile devices, sensors, streaming media, and social networks. Businesses are looking for innovative way to better leverage terabytes - and, for some, petabytes - of information. This has placed tremendous pressure on IT…

There is great awareness of and attention on database growth these days. Estimates put the amount of data in existence at this time at more than a zettabyte (or a trillion gigabytes), which would be the equivalent of 75 billion fully loaded iPads. All this data is streaming into and through enterprises from transactions, remote…

Growing volumes of data ... expanding numbers of database instances ... increasing licensing fees ... shortages of critical data management skills ... tight IT budgets ... As organizations rely more and more on the quality and availability of data to better compete on analytics in the global economy, they are encountering difficult challenges in managing…