Tag: Database & Technology

Exalytics is the future of in-memory, virtually real-time analytics.  Exalytics contains optimized versions of Essbase, OBIEE, TimesTen all running in-memory on a really powerful server. Come learn all about how Exalytics will speed up basically everything you want to do in the world of BI: loading, calculating, querying, & writing back will all be improved. …

New to Essbase? This session will guide you through thinking multi-dimensionally . It will explain the different types of Essbase cubes and what you need to consider when building your cubes. It will cover topics such as: dimensions, structures, alternate hierarchies and attributes.

New to Essbase? This session will guide you through thinking multi-dimensionally . It will explain the different types of Essbase cubes and what you need to consider when building your cubes. It will cover topics such as: dimensions, structures, alternate hierarchies and attributes.

New to Essbase? This session will guide you through thinking multi-dimensionally . It will explain the different types of Essbase cubes and what you need to consider when building your cubes. It will cover topics such as: dimensions, structures, alternate hierarchies and attributes.

New to Essbase? This session will guide you through thinking multi-dimensionally . It will explain the different types of Essbase cubes and what you need to consider when building your cubes. It will cover topics such as: dimensions, structures, alternate hierarchies and attributes.

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

Developers and DBAs frequently, yet inappropriately, have adversarial relationships. This presentation seeks to help communication between the two groups and, more imporantly, show how the focus and skills of each can help the other produce and support a better product.