Tag: Database & Technology

While working on a project, you notice everyone always goes to one of your peers to ask their questions; they go to him to run their ideas by; they go to him for technical advice. He is the go-to guy. Wouldn't you like to be the one others seek out to get something done? You…

While organizations build ever more complex, capable, and governed data systems, they continue to add “uncontrolled” unstructured content to shared drives and silo repositories. This content becomes “dark” over time and adds little or no long term value. An effective Information Governance program will enable you to understand and react appropriately to this 80% of…

While organizations build ever more complex, capable, and governed data systems, they continue to add “uncontrolled” unstructured content to shared drives and silo repositories. This content becomes “dark” over time and adds little or no long term value. An effective Information Governance program will enable you to understand and react appropriately to this 80% of…

While organizations build ever more complex, capable, and governed data systems, they continue to add “uncontrolled” unstructured content to shared drives and silo repositories. This content becomes “dark” over time and adds little or no long term value. An effective Information Governance program will enable you to understand and react appropriately to this 80% of…

Sometimes you need to dig deeper than Oracle allows you to see. This can be in the case of internal errors (ORA-600/ORA-7445), but also if you want to truly understand what is going on. This is where GDB, the GNU debugger comes in. With GDB, you can profile the Oracle executable at the C-function level.…

Arthur C. Clarke wrote that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." This has been proven true in many technologies, and it makes troubleshooting of that technology seem like art. But it is not art, it is process, and the intent of this presentation is to use one case study to demonstrate a process…

GoldenGate is widely used technology to replicate mission critical OLTP databases to separate database for consolidated and real time operational reporting. This session will provide overview as well as many specific performance tuning techniques used at U.S. Celluar to replicate 3-5 TB trail files generated daily. The techniques include GoldenGate 12c infrastructure design, source and…

Provides understanding Responsive Design principles (RDP) and how they apply to your Oracle Content Management system. Introduces basic pirnciples of Information Architecture and User Experience Management. Review real world examples of financial, marketplace and business process level impact of implementations where RDP are not applied. Help Oracle professionals to quickly identify areas of sub-standard performance…

Provides understanding Responsive Design principles (RDP) and how they apply to your Oracle Content Management system. Introduces basic pirnciples of Information Architecture and User Experience Management. Review real world examples of financial, marketplace and business process level impact of implementations where RDP are not applied. Help Oracle professionals to quickly identify areas of sub-standard performance…

There are two types of table compression available in the Oracle database: basic/OLTP and HCC. While there has been a great deal of discussion of these methods over the past few years, what isn't often discussed is that there is a third form of compression, known as "trailing NULL columns", which can be considered a…