Tag: Database & Technology

The latest version of Oracle WebCenter Sites (WCS) introduces a new integration with Oracle WebCenter Content (WCC). In the pre versions this would have been a custom implementation. First we will give a brief overview of the latest version ( of WebCenter Content and WebCenter Sites and their key functionalities. During the live demonstration…

The presentation will cover Hardware level HA on the Cheap (relatively speaking) using Oracle VM, Oracle Linux, ASM, and Oracle Enterprise Edition. It will illustrate a successful enterprise level migration of Oracle databases from Windows-based bare metal servers to fully virtualized Oracle Linux/Oracle VM Server Virtual Machines. The primary drivers for the virtualization effort were…

The presentation will cover Hardware level HA on the Cheap (relatively speaking) using Oracle VM, Oracle Linux, ASM, and Oracle Enterprise Edition. It will illustrate a successful enterprise level migration of Oracle databases from Windows-based bare metal servers to fully virtualized Oracle Linux/Oracle VM Server Virtual Machines. The primary drivers for the virtualization effort were…

This talk will benefit the beginner Oracle DBA when faced with running Oracle on a Windows Server, and may also teach some old hands a trick or two. Instead of delving into topics that would be for Server Administrators, this session will deal with issues directly related to running Oracle on a Windows box. Whitepaper…

To truly optimize application and database performance you need visibility into your entire infrastructure. DBAs need access to the tools Storage Administrators use in order to tune and troubleshoot effectively across the database environment. Step out of skill-set silos and empower your IT team with the visibility and insight required to make better IT decisions…

Oracle has added a wealth of compelling features to WebCenter Sites, making it a leader among Web Content Management solutions. WebCenter Sites customers are always innovating, creating solutions to problems that did not exist mere months ago. Using open source tools like the GST Site Foundation and others, customers can gain access to rapidly developed…

Oracle has added a wealth of compelling features to WebCenter Sites, making it a leader among Web Content Management solutions. WebCenter Sites customers are always innovating, creating solutions to problems that did not exist mere months ago. Using open source tools like the GST Site Foundation and others, customers can gain access to rapidly developed…

So you need a mobile presence on the web, and you're not sure where to begin. In this session we will address several approaches to mobile deployments with WebCenter Sites, weighing the pros and cons of each. Learn about how to use responsive design with WebCenter Sites, when it is appropriate to create a dedicated…

So you need a mobile presence on the web, and you're not sure where to begin. In this session we will address several approaches to mobile deployments with WebCenter Sites, weighing the pros and cons of each. Learn about how to use responsive design with WebCenter Sites, when it is appropriate to create a dedicated…

RMAN has been significantly enhanced in Oracle database 12C. Some of the enhancements include features DBAs assume already exist in the DBs. For example, cross platform backup and restore, network enabled restore, table level recovery, etc. This paper highlights these enhancements with examples on how to benefit from them as well as the internal workings…