Tag: Database & Technology

Standard Forwarding LLC worked with Redstone Content Solutions to transform its content management and web site environment using Oracle Fusion Middleware solutions and tools.  Customers are now able to conveniently manage every phase of their shipment lifecycle.  The company has cut invoicing costs by $350,000 annually and significantly improved customer service by expanding self-service applications.…

Standard Forwarding LLC worked with Redstone Content Solutions to transform its content management and web site environment using Oracle Fusion Middleware solutions and tools.  Customers are now able to conveniently manage every phase of their shipment lifecycle.  The company has cut invoicing costs by $350,000 annually and significantly improved customer service by expanding self-service applications.…

WebCenter Sites can be integrated with a variety of Digital Asset Management solutions. Did you realize that you can also create a simplified solution right within WebCenter Sites? Now is the time to understand all your DAM Options! Learn about Oracle offerings, offerings from other vendors and options you can develop on your own! PowerPoint…

WebCenter Sites can be integrated with a variety of Digital Asset Management solutions. Did you realize that you can also create a simplified solution right within WebCenter Sites? Now is the time to understand all your DAM Options! Learn about Oracle offerings, offerings from other vendors and options you can develop on your own! PowerPoint…

WebCenter Sites can be integrated with a variety of Digital Asset Management solutions. Did you realize that you can also create a simplified solution right within WebCenter Sites? Now is the time to understand all your DAM Options! Learn about Oracle offerings, offerings from other vendors and options you can develop on your own! PowerPoint…

WebCenter Sites can be integrated with a variety of Digital Asset Management solutions. Did you realize that you can also create a simplified solution right within WebCenter Sites? Now is the time to understand all your DAM Options! Learn about Oracle offerings, offerings from other vendors and options you can develop on your own! PowerPoint…

WebCenter Sites can be integrated with a variety of Digital Asset Management solutions. Did you realize that you can also create a simplified solution right within WebCenter Sites? Now is the time to understand all your DAM Options! Learn about Oracle offerings, offerings from other vendors and options you can develop on your own! PowerPoint…

Exadata is giving you mind-blowing performance; however, you notice the performance is not very consistent. Response times vary depending on time of day and current workload. If anything is as bad as poor performance it's inconsistent performance. Where do you turn? Exadata comes with the solution, IO Resource Management (IORM), but it is often overlooked…

Exadata is giving you mind-blowing performance; however, you notice the performance is not very consistent. Response times vary depending on time of day and current workload. If anything is as bad as poor performance it's inconsistent performance. Where do you turn? Exadata comes with the solution, IO Resource Management (IORM), but it is often overlooked…

In an effort to standardize, streamline, and optimize delivery of software projects, the New Zealand government invited vendors to submit proposals for Applications-as-a-Service in the content management field. TEAM Informatics partnered with two other local partners to develop and deploy a flexible and comprehensive set of offerings to meet different government departments' needs for Content-as-a-Service.…