Tag: Database & Technology

Oracle Sharding is an elastic database architecture where data is horizontally partitioned across multiple discrete databases that share no hardware or software. It provides linear scalability and complete fault isolation for transaction processing applications designed for a sharded architecture—attributes that are not possible by scaling-out or scaling-up a single database. Join this session to hear…

In 2008, Harald van Breederode and Joel Goodman wrote a white paper titled "Performing an Oracle DBA 1.0 to Oracle DBA 2.0 Upgrade" in which they suggested DBAs needed to add storage and OS skills to remain relevant in a shifting technical landscape. The role of today's DBA has broadened considerably and with that comes…

In 2008, Harald van Breederode and Joel Goodman wrote a white paper titled "Performing an Oracle DBA 1.0 to Oracle DBA 2.0 Upgrade" in which they suggested DBAs needed to add storage and OS skills to remain relevant in a shifting technical landscape. The role of today's DBA has broadened considerably and with that comes…

In 2008, Harald van Breederode and Joel Goodman wrote a white paper titled "Performing an Oracle DBA 1.0 to Oracle DBA 2.0 Upgrade" in which they suggested DBAs needed to add storage and OS skills to remain relevant in a shifting technical landscape. The role of today's DBA has broadened considerably and with that comes…

Oracle 12c In-Memory option is an industry innovation by introducing dual format architecture which allows database objects to be stored in columnar format.  This brings significant performance improvement of SQL in both OLAP and mixed workload environments.  Key In-Memory terminologies such as dual-format SGA architecture, In-Memory components 1MB pool and 64KB pool and their functionalities…

Oracle 12c In-Memory option is an industry innovation by introducing dual format architecture which allows database objects to be stored in columnar format.  This brings significant performance improvement of SQL in both OLAP and mixed workload environments.  Key In-Memory terminologies such as dual-format SGA architecture, In-Memory components 1MB pool and 64KB pool and their functionalities…

Are you interested in using Oracle RAC in “a cloud”? Do you want to operate your Oracle RAC stack in a virtualized environment, but you are unsure about support and certification? If the answer to either question is “yes”, you have found the right session. Based on a brief review of general support and certification…

Are you interested in using Oracle RAC in “a cloud”? Do you want to operate your Oracle RAC stack in a virtualized environment, but you are unsure about support and certification? If the answer to either question is “yes”, you have found the right session. Based on a brief review of general support and certification…

In this session, you will learn about the inner workings and features of the latest generation of Oracle RAC and how they can improve database deployments on generic systems as well as Oracle’s Engineered Systems. You will see, how those improvements can be used to provide better scalability, ensure higher availability and simplify the management…

As a DBA tasked with protecting your databases, you understand that backup and recovery success is a critical, yet often time consuming process.  But, did you know that there are tools available today to enable you not only to fine-tune your RMAN processes but also give you purview into the underlying infrastructre?   And, did…