Tag: Data Mining

How do you find very important needles in haystacks? This presentation and demo will show several use cases of Oracle Data Mining's fraud and anomaly detection capabilities. Oracle Data Mining's (ODM) Anomaly Detection algorithm trains on what is considered ânormalâ and then flags any record(s) that, on a multi-dimensional basis, appear to not fit in.…

How do you find very important needles in haystacks? This presentation and demo will show several use cases of Oracle Data Mining's fraud and anomaly detection capabilities. Oracle Data Mining's (ODM) Anomaly Detection algorithm trains on what is considered ânormalâ and then flags any record(s) that, on a multi-dimensional basis, appear to not fit in.…

How do you find very important needles in haystacks? This presentation and demo will show several use cases of Oracle Data Mining's fraud and anomaly detection capabilities. Oracle Data Mining's (ODM) Anomaly Detection algorithm trains on what is considered ânormalâ and then flags any record(s) that, on a multi-dimensional basis, appear to not fit in.…

How do you find very important needles in haystacks? This presentation and demo will show several use cases of Oracle Data Mining's fraud and anomaly detection capabilities. Oracle Data Mining's (ODM) Anomaly Detection algorithm trains on what is considered ânormalâ and then flags any record(s) that, on a multi-dimensional basis, appear to not fit in.…

Some hot topics in data mining include text mining, document clustering, and recommendation engines. Learn how Oracle Data Mining was used in the Schedule Builder session-enrollment application at Oracle OpenWorld 2008 and 2009 to recommend sessions to attendees and find similar and related sessions. This session includes a demonstration of the Oracle Data Miner UI…

Some hot topics in data mining include text mining, document clustering, and recommendation engines. Learn how Oracle Data Mining was used in the Schedule Builder session-enrollment application at Oracle OpenWorld 2008 and 2009 to recommend sessions to attendees and find similar and related sessions. This session includes a demonstration of the Oracle Data Miner UI…