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QXW Session Recap: The Past, Present And Future Of JD Edwards Tools, Part 2

We left Part One of our JD Edwards Quest Experience Week presentation talking about operational simplification through JD Edwards module updates. Now we’re going to discuss staying current and customizing user experience using even fewer upgrades.

Some ways to stay current with ERP modernization include:

  • Simplified upgrades
  • Object Usage Trackers
  • Impact Analysis
  • Change Assistant
  • Customization
  • Object Analyzer
  • Customization Workbench

The following provisions keep make sure this happens with fewer upgrades and retrofitting:

  • Composed pages
  • Personal forms
  • Enhanced queries
  • One View Watchlists
  • One View Reports
  • Orchestrations

User defined objects like the ones we just listed unload some of your baggage during the upgrade process. Personal forms allow easier upgrades that require fewer complex technical skills.

Object testing and tracking

With the strategic package of Object Tracking and Impact Analysis, you can take a closer look at which customizations are being used and which are unused. The Object Tracking feature goes deeper by showing how and why these objects are being utilized.

Analyzing customizations also improves update planning by analyzing upgrade impact on an object-by-object basis. Testing each object ensures that you reduce cost, effort and risk during the implementation process.

Automated System Administration

Automated system administration allows automation of common activities with proactive notifications. A single pane view allows you to access all important information at one glance.

Improving User Experience With UX One

UX One leverages JD Edwards Citizen Developer Tools, which vastly improves how JD Edwards users interact with the system.

End users subscribe to notifications by either choosing from a list, selecting how to get a notification or providing input to personalize them. UX One empowers end users to build pages however they want, while power users can build Watchlists, etc. to share with others. Some activities that would trigger a notification include low inventory, equipment malfunction, price change in market, shipment delivery or external data from a representational state transfer (REST) service.

Business analysts can also design their own notifications by defining watch lists and inputs, evaluating notification criteria, writing notification texts and picking a schedule.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Search

JD Edwards search features in EnterpriseOne allows users to locate interrelated data. It’s configurable by Citizen Developers.

When discussing the new notifications features, Schifano adds, “We’re teaching JD Edwards to talk.” Push notifications, now available on JD Edwards Tools 9.2.2, show a bell icon whenever something happens within the system.

Schifano gets excited when we talk about JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Search because he thinks there’s nothing more “transformation and modern than search.” Search is a simple, powerful way to locate and act on interrelated data and accelerate locating information for more informed decision making.

With JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Search, you can search across any combination of EnterpriseOne master and transaction data.

Wrapping up

To summarize briefly, the four main services crafting JD Edwards into a digital enterprise include the following items we discussed in this presentation — ERP modernization, user experience, digital transformation and operational simplification.

For even more information about JD Edwards and how to take advantage of JD Edwards updates and functionalities, come to our Oracle COLLABORATE conference, COLLABORATE 18. Also follow our COLLABORATE 2018 Twitter hashtag, #C18LV.

QXW Session Recap: The Past, Present And Future Of JD Edwards Tools, Part 2