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PeopleSoft Spotlight Series: Using the Fluid Billing WorkCenter

Key Topics

The video below focuses on the following topics:

  • Understanding the Billing WorkCenter
  • Setting up and personalizing the Billing WorkCenter
  • Using the Billing WorkCenter
  • Enabling simplified analytics (which allows you to create, customize and save analytic reports and drill down to detailed information).

The Billing WorkCenter

The WorkCenter offers power users a single place to perform a broad range of tasks, such as performing daily billing functions, reviewing exceptional arts, performing monthly activities and generating reports. This results in improved efficiency, productivity and effectiveness for the organization. The PeopleSoft Billing WorkCenter is a role-based central navigational component designed for billing application users and related accounting functions. PeopleSoft WorkCenters are designed for specific roles and provide a central area to access key components within PeopleSoft applications. The PeopleSoft Fluid Billing WorkCenter is optimized for mobile devices and has simplified analytics enabled. Billing managers and operational leads can get an overview of the scope of work for their organization, review exceptions and scan for anomalies using a mobile device.

PeopleSoft delivers the Billing WorkCenter with sample data; if you want to move sample data to your environment, use data migration. The PS data migration workbench facilitates the process to migrate application configuration data using application data sets or ADF as its underlying transport technology. The data migration workbench allows you to compare, validate and copy the content data from one database to another. Your system administrator should then tailor, design and create additional links to access specific pages, pagelets and commonly accessed internal and external sites. The PeopleSoft Fluid WorkCenter Framework requires PeopleTools 8.55.

Setting up WorkCenters

Setting up WorkCenters is a two-step process where you have to define setup options at the system administrator level and personalized options at the user level. The system administrator determines organizational setup options and the end user determines personalization options. The user level of personalization is optional. In other words, end users can use the options set by the system administrator during the configuration of the WorkCenter.

System administrators should access the configure pagelets WorkCenter dashboard page to define configuration IDs for Fluid WorkCenters. Using this page, they can add or maintain the configuration of Fluid group boxes. Fluid WorkCenter menu items are defined using the PeopleTools structure and content page. The data that you enter using this page can also be loaded as an application data set using the data migration workbench. Use the other tabs to set up “my work” links and “how” links, queries, reports and processes that appear in the WorkCenter for that configuration ID.

After the system administrator completes configuration ID setup, users can modify display options for links in the “my work” links queries and reports and processes pagelets. To perform this, end users select the personalized icon on the WorkCenter page. End users can also modify filter values using the “edit filters personalize” page. Users who have filter values have a single set of values and may or may not have the authority to modify those values. Users can select the “maintain scope detail” option to change scope detail options for the collapsible sections in the “my work” pagelet. If the user has scope capabilities, then they can select the “maintain scope detail” to create and maintain multiple scope values. Users who have scope values maintain them for themselves and can create any number of scope views. To determine the order of scope labels and to access additional pages, use the “configure scope” option.

More Set Up Details

Next, we will demonstrate how to add and use a filter definition and how to add a “my work” link to the “my work” pagelet. Access the “configure filter definition” component, click the “add a new value” tab and then enter a filter ID. Click the add button. On the “configure filter definition” page, enter a description. In the field name, select a business unit field. When you tab out of this field, the system pulls the “field label ID and prompt table”. Select the required flag/check box and restrict operands. Add a new row and select the billing specialist field name. Save the page. To add a “my work” link to the “my work” pagelet, access the “configure pagelets” page. Search for existing values and from the search results, select the BI configuration ID. Select the “my work” tab. Add a new row and click the “define” link to add a new link to the “my work” pagelet. Complete the fields on the “define my work” link page and click OK. You can enter a display order and select the “show checkbox” if required. Click save and then click on the “activate my work” settings button. Use the Billing Works Enter Tile to access the Fluid WorkCenter page. You can place the tile on any Fluid homepage.

Key Grouplets

The “my work” grouplet includes links to pages that you would access on a regular basis. This grouplet could also include exceptions and alerts where you would need to take some type of action. The “links” grouplet includes links to pages or other areas of interest for the user role. The “queries” grouplet includes links to the query manager, public queries, private queries and Pivot Grids. The system administrator determines whether a user can add public or private queries. Also, users can personalize their queries. The “reports and processes” grouplet includes links to reports and processes. The links take you to the “run control” page for reports, processes and the reporting console.

Simplified Analytics

Simplified analytics in the Billing Fluid WorkCenter allows you to compare metrics among billing specialists or view the billing customers who are currently on hold. Also, simplified analytics will enable you to create, customize and save analytic reports as well as drill down to detailed information. Simplified analytics allows end users to create context tool analytic reports. Users can create their own reports based on the predefined templates by selecting the fields, entering the values into the prompt fields and then defining the layout and selecting different types of visualizations. End users can add a saved analytic report to the homepage and view it later. It allows administrators to create and publish reports to all users of the component based on the “configured based” templates. Use the “assigned related content” page to enable or disable simplified analytics in the Billing Fluid WorkCenter.

To enable simplified analytics, access the “manage related content” service page, enter “billing invoice list” into the search field and click the search button. Click the edit button and verify that the “enable checkbox ” is selected for the simplified analytics. In the page level related content group box. Select or deselect the “enable checkbox” to enable or disable simplified analytics.

Learn More

For additional information watch the full video:

Has your company implemented Fluid UI? At RECONNECT 18 several PeopleSoft user companies shared their experiences with implementing Fluid UI. Read this blog post for more information: PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Panel and Discussion.