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Oracle PeopleSoft Community Survey

Shelby Klingerman, Content Curator |

Quest’s annual Oracle PeopleSoft Community Survey was sent out to PeopleSoft users in the Quest community to learn more about how they are utilizing their PeopleSoft solutions. The survey received 1,439 respondents from companies throughout the community. Respondents came from companies of different sizes, industries, and global reach.

To set the stage, let’s start with a little background information about what systems the respondents are running. Of the 1,439 respondents, 75 percent are running PeopleSoft 9.2. Another 13 percent are on PeopleSoft 9.1, and six percent are on PeopleSoft 9.0 or earlier. Out of the respondents that reported being on 9.1 or earlier, 60 percent said that they are planning on upgrading to 9.2.

As far as PeopleTools, the majority of respondents are on PeopleTools 8.55. There are 21 percent on 8.56, 40 percent on 8.55, 16 percent on 8.54 and 8 percent on 8.53 or older. Others were unsure. Another question showed that 70 percent of those who are not already on 8.56 were planning to upgrade.


Which of the following PeopleSoft products do you use? Select all that apply.

As you can see, the three most frequently used products include Human Capital Management, Financial Management, and Tools and Technology.


Are you using Fluid User Interface?

Of the 1,429 respondents, 40 percent are currently utilizing Fluid User Interface in their PeopleSoft solution. This is an increase of seven percent from 2017. Respondents cited a better user experience, ease of use, and a more mobile workforce as some of the reasons they have chosen to utilize Fluid.



Which of the following best describes your level of customization?

Majority of the respondents, 62 percent, reported being at least somewhat customized. Even though 34 percent that their system is highly customized, the trend within the community has been moving toward fewer customizations as companies begin to implement a Selective Adoption strategy and the Fluid UI that increases the ability to personalize the user experience and configure without customizations. As you saw in the previous question, 40 percent of respondents have implemented Fluid UI. Also, 50 percent of respondents reported that they have a strategy around Selective Adoption.


How often is your organization staying current?

The most popular choice was to remain on an annual cycle for staying current. Of the 50 percent who indicated that they have a Selective Adoption strategy, 48 percent reported being on an annual cycle. Other options like bi-annually or quarterly were much less popular choices. The range of these timeframes may be due to the flexibility that Selective Adoption offers.






Is your organization considering running PeopleSoft in the Cloud?

In 2018, 90 percent of respondents are currently running PeopleSoft in the Cloud. Of the remaining respondents who are not currently running PeopleSoft in the Cloud, 60 percent are considering it. This high amount may be due to Oracle’s release of tools, like PeopleSoft Cloud Manager, that can help customers utilize the Cloud in their solution.


Learn More

For more information about where PeopleSoft customers are at on their journeys, check out the full report from the 2018 Oracle PeopleSoft Community Survey.


Additional Resources

Want more resources like this, all in one place? Discover everything available at COLLABORATE 19, the Technology and Applications Forum for the Oracle Community, April 7-11, 2019, in San Antonio. Learn more and follow #C19TX on Twitter to stay up-to-date on all things COLLABORATE 19!