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Oracle HCM Cloud HR Leader Experience Demonstration

Rachelle Graham, HCM Cloud Solution Consultant at Oracle, gave a demonstration of the HR Leader experience in Oracle HCM Cloud. This HCM Cloud HR Leader experience demonstration shows the tools and capabilities within Oracle HCM Cloud that help make HR leaders more effective and efficient in their role.

With the business landscape constantly evolving, HR leaders need to focus on their talent and their productivity. Using the investments that Oracle has made in adaptive intelligence, HR leaders can be more effective and productive and then get back to focusing on their people.

Oracle HCM Cloud HR Leader Experience Demonstration

Graham’s demonstration follows the experience of Gretchen, an HR leader, in Oracle HCM Cloud.

Talent Reviews

When she logs into the system for the first time, Gretchen will be shown a smart modular that lets her know that one of her key programs need to be reviewed.

Since her talent team has already put her talent review together for her, Gretchen can quickly take a look and use some of the delivered filters like risk of loss and impact of loss. She can then continue to identify who her top talent is.

Gretchen also knows that, statistically, emerging talent tends to outperform some of the top talent, so she wants to take a deeper look at that segment of the organization.

Right out of the gate, she is going to notice that her employee, Alice, is a high risk of loss and a high impact of loss, so she’s going to take Alice and drop her into that Top Talent nine-box.

Succession Planning

As Gretchen continues along, she also knows that she needs to focus on the future of the organization as a whole and plan for those critical roles. With unified talent management, Gretchen is going to be able to tap into any of her succession plans directly from within the solution. She can also easily take employees who are top performers and add them to a succession plan or take care of any additional tasks within the singular view.

As a quick review of the overall succession plan, Gretchen can take a look at any of the incumbents. She will be alerted if the succession plan is at risk due to the fact that an incumbent is in another succession plan as well.

Recruiting and Analytics

Gretchen also knows that three candidates are not enough for bench strength, so she needs to keep an eye on her hiring initiatives by taking a look at her KPIs, which are going to be personalized for her role.

These personalized analytics allow her to keep her finger on the pulse of any strategic sourcing initiatives that have already been put together by her talent team.

The image below shows an example of a campaign that was put together by a talent team.

The campaign has a goal of 100 applicants, and it shows that only 34 have been met with. You are also able to track important metrics – email metrics in this example – and identify important information like who has opted out of emails, whether emails are bouncing back, and other useful analytics and statistics.

As Gretchen reviews the audience that her talent team is targeting, she can see that they are focusing on all of the major global hubs. The solution can even get so focused and targeted with that audience and see that candidates who are currently working for the competition are being excluded. The solution will also serve up a recommendation that if you add the additional global hub in San Paulo, Brazil to the mix, you will be able to target over 1,200 more audience members, which will result in about 20 more applications. With one tap, Gretchen is able to add that hub to help with her hiring initiative.

She can then scroll down and review the embedded analytics that help her keep her finger on the pulse of the overall audience breakdown and the diversity of the campaign.

Employee Engagement and the Digital Assistant

Another area that Gretchen needs to focus on is employee engagement. She can quickly take a look at the most recent analysis that is related to a pulse survey. From there, an analytics dashboard will be delivered to her to help her keep track of what the organization is doing well and where there is an opportunity for improvement. She can also see some diversity metrics around that topic as well. This information is helpful because Gretchen knows that happy employees make more productive employees.

Before she continues back to her day-to-day work, there’s one more thing on her list to take care of – some rockstar talent that she wants to focus on. Gretchen wants to celebrate what those employees are doing well. By using her digital assistant, Gretchen is able to leave feedback for her direct report and let everybody know what an awesome job she is doing.

This allows Gretchen to cultivate the culture of celebration and be able to do so in a more conversational flow. With just a couple of quick taps, she is able to identify the exact feedback that she wants to leave for her direct report to let her know how great she has been doing recently. She can use some of the modern toolsets that she is used to using in her everyday life and transfer those over to her work life.

With just a few quick taps, Gretchen is able to take care of not only her HR leader responsibilities but also her people management responsibilities quickly and effectively before getting back to her day-to-day work.

Strategic Workforce Planning

Later in the day, Gretchen needs to finish her work for a laptop and also needs to help develop the business plan for how they plan to meet their long-term business objectives. It is critical that Gretchen has a simple way to plan for skill gaps and the supply of talent in order to help grow the business and add a new Shared Services team in the UK.

With Oracle HCM Strategic Workforce Planning, Gretchen can review a summary of her current headcount plan for the new department. She can also view an AI-fueled skills comparison that lets her know that, over the next four years, the changing needs of the market will require a new skill set – particularly around innovative thinking.

Delivered visualization toolsets bring gap analysis to life. Gretchen can model scenarios for how to upskill the organization – allowing her to be an active partner and execute on those strategic goals.

Once Gretchen has identified that her gap-closing strategy includes new hires and internal transfers, she can use Oracle HCM Cloud’s unique workforce modeling to plan the organizational execution. By leveraging her unified platform, she can drag and drop business teams, open vacancies, and requisitions all from within one place. Then, once she is satisfied with the outcome, the CEO can approve it and those business transactions will be enacted. This enables Gretchen to plan, model, and execute quickly and effectively.

Data Visualization

Oracle has heard from customers time and time again that one of the biggest challenges that their HR leaders face is getting data visualizations across the entire business. Data is still fragmented, and they need a way to bring it all together to view it from a holistic point of view.

Oracle strives to deliver the most complete HCM Cloud available, but they also understand that businesses are run on various enterprise systems and sometimes even Excel. Oracle’s data visualization takes all of your businesses’ data, blends it together, and helps you discover powerful data insights.

Gretchen can use her data visualization tools to better understand how overtime is impacting her union workforce. Initial renderings give her a snapshot of the cost of all of her overtime for that union workforce. Gretchen can review overtime by month and then interact with the tool to get more advanced visualizations.

Gretchen can create options to find information and outliers within seconds rather than spending hours working with and building macros or relying on an HR IT skillset. She can now clearly see that her overtime is spiking from December through June. As a business leader, she has a new plan to eliminate overtime, but she wants to see which department she actually needs to focus on.

Machine learning can also serve her statistics about those hours and tell a story about the anomalies being uncovered within minutes. She can use keyword searches and simple pre-built options to get powerful insights and make smarter business decisions.

For more information and a demonstration of the Oracle HCM Cloud HR Leader experience, check out the video below.

Additional Resources

For more Oracle HCM Cloud resources, case studies, best practices, etc., check out Quest’s Oracle HCM Cloud Content Center. There are resources and training available for all aspects of HCM Cloud, including payroll, analytics, recruiting, and more!