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Oracle HCM Cloud Candidate Experience Demonstration

Ally Kimmey, HCM Cloud Senior Solutions Engineer at Oracle, gave a demonstration of the candidate experience in Oracle HCM Cloud. This HCM Cloud candidate experience demonstration shows the experience throughout recruiting and onboarding.

Customer-Centric Recruiting in HCM Cloud

Candidate management has evolved over the last several years. Gone are the days of candidates applying in droves. Instead, companies of all shapes, sizes, and industries have entered the phase of the passive candidate. This means that businesses need to go to the candidates instead of the candidates coming to the business.

In addition, candidates are expecting a consumer-like look and feel to their application process. They expect it to be mobile-first. They’re expecting technology like digital assistants and artificial intelligence (AI) – almost like using a Twitter or Instagram for their first experience. That is what has driven Oracle’s approach to candidate-centric recruiting.

Roughly 80 percent of candidates that drop off from an application will never return, so it’s important to capture the candidates the first time around and lock in that top talent.

HCM Cloud Candidate Experience Demonstration

This demonstration follows the journey of an employee as he applies for a job. In the morning, Jacob Black checks his email and sees that he has received a targeted marketing campaign from a company. It has piqued his interest as to what this company can help him with, so he clicks the email and is brought to the company’s career site.

Browsing the Career Site

With HCM Cloud, the company has the ability to create multiple career sites, build out unique company branding, and leverage multimedia support. This makes the career site more desirable and intriguing for candidates.

Candidates like Jacob know that there are several different options and opportunities that he could pursue in the next steps of his career. Candidates want to be sure that an organization has what they are looking for in these next steps. This means that organizations need to attract candidates and differentiate themselves from the pack through the career site.

Use of Technology

One of the ways that organizations are able to differentiate themselves is through the use of emerging technology with Oracle HCM Cloud. This means using technology like the digital assistant to help candidates like Jacob understand what the company has to offer.

For example, if Jacob lands on the company’s career site and has a few additional questions about what the organization has to offer, traditionally, he would have to call the recruiter, send an email, or ultimately decide to forget all about it. Instead, what he is able to do with Oracle HCM Cloud is utilize the digital assistant to answer all of his questions. This saves Jacob time and energy and engages him more in the candidate process. It is also saving the recruiters time on their side by not having to answer a lot of these frequently asked questions (FAQs).

The digital assistant that Jacob comes across within this career site is similar to other digital assistants that Jacob is used to using in his everyday life. It uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand Jacob’s verbiage and respond back with the appropriate response.

Jacob has a few questions to ask that will help him make sure that the company checks the box on before he applies for a position. He can ask them to the digital assistant. When he asks the digital assistant, “Do you have international opportunities?”, the digital assistant replies back with the appropriate response.

Jacob can also use voice to text with the digital assistant. He can simply speak his question into the phone.

Candidates will be able to easily access and understand all of the information that they need from the digital assistant without ever having to call or email a recruiter.

Viewing Job Postings

When a candidate begins viewing all of the job listings that an employee has, he will be brought to a page that has all listings that fit his job search. Candidates can easily and quickly find job listings that fit their skillsets and interest. All of it can be done from a mobile device. A mobile-first application is crucial to candidate satisfaction.

When Jacob is brought to the job description for the listing, he sees a plethora of information about what the job includes. He is also brought to multimedia content when he continues down in the job description. At the bottom of the page, Jacob also sees that there is targeted marketing content that is specific to him. What the system does is look at the browsing habits and cookies on Jacob’s phone in order to serve up additional content for him. This is giving Jacob a very targeted and streamlined experience that is specific to him.

Applying for a Position

When a candidate decided to apply for a position, all he has to do is click the “Apply Now” button within a job posting description. This button brings him to a page that prompts him to create an account using just his email address. Oracle HCM Cloud provides a frictionless apply, which means that his email address is used as a unique identifier that he can use to come back to his profile, check the status of his application, or apply to additional positions. Candidates can also use their phone number as a unique identifier in addition to their email address. This eliminates the problem of a user forgetting his username and login information.

After entering his email address, Jacob can upload his resume or connect his LinkedIn profile. This gives applicants a simple way to apply and include all of their information. Oracle has a unique, deep partnership with LinkedIn, so not only can candidates apply with LinkedIn, but they can also use LinkedIn to parse in their skills and create their profile in HCM Cloud once they are an employee. These capabilities make the application process a one-page apply, which makes it very responsive for mobile devices.

Jacob can review everything that his LinkedIn profile includes and make any adjustments or changes as needed. He can also fill in any pre-screening questions as well. He can then submit his application.

The entire application process takes only a matter of seconds to finish, which is what candidates expect. This helps combat applicant drop off and ensures that organizations are able to capture top talent.

After applying, Jacob is brought to a confirmation page and then to his candidate profile. He can use his email address as a unique identifier to log back into his candidate profile later on.

From his candidate profile, Jacob can also sign up for any type of talent communities. This helps Jacob stay up to date on any future positions or opportunities within the company. It is also great for recruiter because they are able to capture passive candidates and continue to market out to them through talent campaigns.

Keeping Up with the Interview Process

Fast forward a bit – Jacob has gone through part of the application process and has been selected for the next round of interviews. Instead of receiving a call or having to continuously check his email, the HCM Cloud system pushes out a notification for Jacob to sign up for a timeslot for an interview.

It’s nice for Jacob because he doesn’t have to wait for the recruiter to dictate when he comes in for an interview. He can simply sign up for times that work for him on a self-service basis.

Receiving a Job Offer

After completing his interview, Jacob moves into the offer process. Once the offer has been approved, it gets sent to Jacob on his mobile device. He can accept that offer directly from his phone – instantaneously sending his response to the recruiters for them to audit, capture, and report on later.

Transition from Candidate to New Hire

After Jacob accepts the offer, he is transitioned into the new hire phase within the company. While the company is excited for him to start, one of the most complex and convoluted parts of the hiring process is actually getting the employee started. However, with HCM Cloud, companies are able to send out specific pre-boarding and first day activities to new hires before his first day even happens.

Jacob can click the link within an email to launch HCM Cloud. When he logs in, he is met with a personalized look and feel. There is emerging technology embedded into HCM Cloud – very similar to when he was a candidate.

From his dashboard, Jacob can see that he needs to complete his learning and get involved with any volunteering that he wants to interact with. He can access these items through the tiles or the digital assistant, which he is already familiar with from his candidate experience. The digital assistant will prompt him to complete any overdue or uncomplete tasks that he has. It also provides him with a step-by-step guide for accessing the learning or volunteering.

The HCM Cloud candidate experience easily transitions into the new hire experience.

To learn more about the Oracle HCM Cloud candidate experience, check out the video and additional Quest resources attached below.

Additional Resources

For more Oracle HCM Cloud resources, case studies, best practices, etc., check out Quest’s Oracle HCM Cloud Content Center. There are resources and training available for all aspects of HCM Cloud, including payroll, analytics, recruiting, and more!