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Keeping Up with the Paid Sick Leave Movement

Shelby Klingerman, Content Curator |

Over the past several years, there has been an increase in the amount of U.S. state and local laws affecting worker’s absence entitlements in the workplace. Changing and adding laws could lead to significant administrative burdens and costs if they are not handled quickly and accurately.

A recent presentation from Sherri Bartels from Oracle covered the changes in Paid Sick Leave laws, challenges that organizations may face, and how Oracle Cloud can help handle the changing landscape of Paid Sick Leave.


The biggest challenge of keeping up with the changes to Paid Sick Leave is that the laws vary from state to state, and they can also vary between cities or counties as well. Laws also change quickly, frequently and irregularly, which makes them hard to keep up with.

You also need to carefully look into laws that affect your telecommuter or mobile workers. If the workers are going in and out of jurisdictions that are affected by laws, you’ll need to track locations of where your employees are working.

Things to Consider

Some things to consider when addressing these changes to Paid Sick Leave laws include compliance and eligibility, notice, usage, documentation, payment, expiration, roll-over and disbursement. Some questions for you to ask include:

  • Does my organization need to comply?
  • Which workers are eligible?
  • How much and what type of notice is required?
  • When and how is it accrued?
  • When and how can it be used and paid?
  • Should documentation be required?
  • Does time expire?
  • If time does expire, do we have to retain it, pay it out, or roll it over?

How Oracle HCM Cloud Can Help

Functionality that can help manage changes in Paid Sick Leave was delivered with release 18A. This will be a somewhat joint solution of Time and Labor with Absence Management. Within these applications, you have the ability to track Time Balances and track work hours down to the locality level. You can also define Sick Accrual Rates by location and cascade plans if necessary. With Oracle HCM Cloud, you can also provide valid reasons for Paid Sick Leave, define what certifications are needed for different types of absences, and establish reinstatement options upon re-enrollment.

Next Steps

Moving forward, you’ll need to take a few steps to prepare your organization and make sure you are up-to-date with the current changes to Paid Sick Leave laws.

  1. Monitor changes throughout the year.
  2. Seek advice from your legal counsel.
  3. Verify current laws that impact your organization.
  4. Keep eligibility criteria for locations in mind when hiring or transferring employees.
  5. Train managers and supervisors.
  6. Check out Customer Connect Release Readiness.

For more information about the changes in state and local laws regarding Paid Sick Leave and a break down of the states currently affected, check out the full presentation here.

Want to learn more about Oracle HCM Cloud? Discover everything available at COLLABORATE 19, the Technology and Applications Forum for the Oracle Community, April 7-11, 2019, in San Antonio. Learn more and follow #C19TX on Twitter to stay up-to-date on all things COLLABORATE 19!

Keeping Up with the Paid Sick Leave Movement