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JDE Cloud Hybrid: Real World Lessons

Shelby Klingerman, Content Curator |

For some, a JDE Cloud Hybrid model is the best solution. Every business has its reasons when choosing a system but here are a couple of essential drivers that entice companies to the JDE Cloud Hybrid model:

  • The ability to reduce the time it takes to find parts in real time.
  • Sources of supply are streamlined by 20 percent.
  • Lead time for procurement is cut by 75 percent.
  • The ability to identify and eliminate roadblocks in P2P.

Whether you fit into one of these categories or have a different reason that is all your own, there are a few things to consider during the planning and implementation of your JDE Cloud Hybrid project:

Change Management

Change Management can be one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome when changing your system. People don’t like change and it is essential for you to manage your organization’s culture and expectations as you move forward with the process. It’s best to explain early on what the structure, expectations and responsibilities will be after the change to a Hybrid Model.

Deployment Planning

Regarding deployment, the selection of a pilot site for go-live is crucial. It shouldn’t be too big or too small; you want to find your perfect fit. It is also essential to balance your deployment with other initiatives. Having too many projects going on at the same time can be detrimental if projects start to fall behind and get neglected.

Preparation for Hybrid Model

Two big points that come up when preparing for the Hybrid Model are IT readiness and support, along with complex security constraints. It is important to take the time to prepare thoroughly before taking on this new project. The more prepared you are, the smoother things will go over in the long run.

Business Process Optimization

When looking at your business process, it’s best to have both a short-term and long-term approach. Outlining the process and structure of your project will help you prepare for the upcoming project and deal with change management as well.

Learn More

To learn more about JDE Cloud Hybrid and see a real-world business case, check out the full presentation in this video.



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