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IT User Group Conference Elevates Business Success


By Carol Sato, Vice President of Corporate Communications, Oracle

One of the largest IT user group conferences in North America just took place a few weeks ago in Denver – for four days, user group members,Oracle ORCL -0.37% customers, partners, consultants and prospects joined at COLLABORATE 13 in a networking and sharing-fest between users of Oracle products and services.  To note – these Oracle user groups are completely independent of Oracle.  That’s something rare and therefore extremely valuable.

Three of the largest Oracle technology user groups joined together to host more than 5,500 enthusiastic users at the Denver Convention Center.  Oracle participated in the event but the very unique fact is that three user groups – IOUG*, Quest* International and OAUG*  – worked together as one to deliver a unique and innovative conference.

This is important because user group members rank higher in overall product and service satisfaction than non-members.  Year over year, Oracle’s global relationship survey results demonstrate that members of user groups are 5% more satisfied with Oracle and 5% more likely to refer Oracle products to other customers.  That satisfaction was certainly evident at COLLABORATE 13 conference, as members met other members to discuss new implementations and product use.  That’s the foundation of user groups – networking, sharing and educating.

There’s huge value in user conferences like this with user experiences truly being the drivers of the majority of content delivered. At COLLABORATE and other user group conferences worldwide, 60% of sessions are delivered by users.  The Oracle teams deliver no more than 25% of the total number of sessions at any user group conference.  This year, more than 270 partners participated in the Exhibition Hall.  This is probably the largest collection of Oracle partners outside of Oracle OpenWorld.  The hall was filled with partners delivering services for database, middleware, technology, applications, and more.  And the cornerstone booths for IOUG, OAUG and Quest international were filled with expert users ready to meet and greet with other members and prospective members to network and share best practices.

Finally, the OAUG, IOUG and Quest International are supported by hundreds of regional user groups.   Customers can find a user group pretty close to wherever they are.  The three flagship groups support affiliate groups across North America – with groups in Chicago, Binghamton, Tulsa, Tampa, Charlotte, Seattle, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Detroit, Dallas among others.  The local groups are full of members who want to share ideas and help other members.

This year’s theme at Collaborate was “Elevate.” What we saw there were members networking and educating themselves to elevate –their IT knowledge, businesses and their own thinking through best practice sharing and an overall great time amidst surprise spring snow storms in Denver.  Conferences that are truly user-driven can help build the strongest communities.

*IOUG – Independent Oracle Users Group

*Quest – Quest International Users Group [user community for PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, Fusion and Oracle Applications customers]

*OAUG – Oracle Applications User Group


IT User Group Conference Elevates Business Success