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How To Get The Best Value From Your JD Edwards ERP

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Release 9.2

Are you getting the best possible value from your JD Edwards ERP? If not, let’s explore some ways for you to derive more benefits from the software that’s available to you. Especially for those of you who have already made the JD Edwards investment, you should find a way to get the most out of your current toolkit.

Know what you’re looking for
Success is difficult in any venture if you haven’t defined realistic goals. What are you looking for with your ERP? Are you using JD Edwards for cost management, manufacturing processes, human capital management, supply chain management, etc., or for more complex processes such as business intelligence?

Set realistic, measurable goals
This brings up an important point – what does success mean to you? Some companies feel that the general sentiments such as accomplishment and satisfied goals define competence. Other businesses equate hard data, like exceeding key performance indicators, with the success of a program or application. Once you set realistic, measurable goals and define how JD Edwards can help you achieve those goals, you’ll be better prepared to set and execute strategies.

Also, let’s talk timelines. What would feel like a reasonable schedule for success with your product? If you need to speed things up, would you be willing to invest more in add-ons or compatible services that would make the job easier?

Learn what you have
Many people know all about the standard offerings of JD Edwards — business logic and enterprise resource planning data applications — but they fail to recognize the abundant resources that JD Edwards is advancing in — such as mobile, IoT-powered orchestrations, the Cloud and more. If you want to see more information about how JD Edwards will grow this year, see Lyle Ekdahl’s recent presentation about what to expect for JD Edwards in 2018.

JD Edwards offerings are largely customizable, so you can optimize your software to meet your business needs. JD Edwards also specializes in more than 80 modules that home in on the business needs of your industry.

No-code and low-code options mean fewer developer headaches, more use of machine learning and more rapid delivery. Experts caution us to “get used to it,” as no code and low code (NCLC) applications will grow exponentially over the next five years, according to this study by Forrester. “Project Visual Code enables me to create a complete application including database and rich responsive UI in minutes without writing a single line of code,” said Luc Bors, technical director at eProseed. “I like the fact that as a professional developer, I can add more advanced capabilities with a bit of JavaScript code.”

Be proactive by learning how to use the software tools, no matter where you are in your JD Edwards journey, or how well you understand the software. There are many tools available on websites such as LearnJDE.com and My Oracle Support. Additionally, Quest offers several walkthroughs and demos about tools releases and more on our Quest blogs and content library.

Stay current = Maximize your potential
Letting fear keep you from learning new technologies, especially when implementing JD Edwards and Cloud, will impede progress, but we also understand investing in upgrades and updates takes time; yes, you could even lose productivity for a brief time.

Even though many of your co-workers will fear the change, breaking it down into smaller pieces, providing reasoning for the change and asking for their buy-in will encourage them to try it out.

JD Edwards is modeled so that once you make an investment in upgrading, you’ll catch the benefit of their continuous delivery model. Not to mention, Oracle JD Edwards has extended its support timelines for at least the next 10 years.

Meet Other JD Edwards Users (in a fun setting)!
Sometimes the most efficient way to learn is engaging in conversation with a brilliant individual who understands your unique needs. Even if live networking isn’t your style, look around on our website for SIG opportunities to join on the Quest “Groups” page.

If you want to talk to people who deal with the same frustrations and successes with software systems or need a retreat where you can learn more than you ever imagined with people who speak the same language, make a point to come to COLLABORATE 18 this year, April 22-26. Did we mention that it’s in Las Vegas?

Early Bird pricing will end in a few short weeks, so register now to save up to 40 percent on COLLABORATE 2018! Follow our Twitter hashtag, #C18LV on our Twitter page, @QuestUserGroup for more information.

How To Get The Best Value From Your JD Edwards ERP