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How to Distribute Joint Venture Transactions to Partners


The JD Edwards team created a tutorial video that covers preparing to distribute joint venture transactions (expenses, revenue, and overhead) to partners in a joint venture. The goal is for JD Edwards users to understand:

  • The process of preparing the joint venture transactions (expenses, revenue, and overhead) for distribution to the partners
  • How to load the transactions for joint ventures into the system and assign DOIs to the transactions
  • How to review and revise the joint venture account ledger records

Process of Preparing to Distribute Joint Venture Transactions

To operate a joint venture, you enter financial transactions using standard JD Edwards processes, such as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Purchasing, Project Costing, Real Estate Management, Grower Management, Blend Management, and other JD Edwards modules. The modules generate records for the transactions in the account ledger table (F0911). Then, you bring the account ledger transactions into the Joint Venture Management system and prepare them to be distributed among the partners of the joint ventures using the appropriate division of interests (DOI).

Loading Transactions into the System and Assigning DOIs

To load the transactions into the Joint Venture Management system and assign DOIs to the transactions, you must run the Load Joint Venture Account Ledger program (R09J400). Before you run the program, set up the processing options for the program.


The select tab includes processing options that you can set up to load the transactions for a specific ledger type or a specific fiscal year and period. You can load transactions for a specified period or include all of the year-to-date transactions up through that period.


The process tab includes a processing option that you can set up to automatically assign DOIs or direct billed entities to the records when they are loaded into the Joint Venture Account Ledger. If you leave this processing option blank, the DOIs will not be assigned automatically. You can assign them later by running the Assign DOI or Direct Billed to JV Account Ledger program (R09J401).

In the Data Selection form for the program, you can specify the joint ventures for which you want to process account ledger transactions.

Now you’re ready to run the R09J400 program. The program copies the transactions from the Account Ledger table (F0911) for the selected joint ventures into the Joint Venture Account Ledger table (F09J11) for the specified period and year.


The R09J400 process copies only those transactions that are designated as distributable accounts for the joint venture.


When the R09J400 completes processing, the system generates a report that lists all of the joint ventures that were included in the process and any errors that occurred during processing.

If you have not set up the R09J400 program to automatically assign DOIs to the joint venture transactions, you must run the R09J401 program. The program uses the DOI assignment rules to assign the appropriate DOI or the direct billed partner to each transaction record in the F09J11 table.

Reviewing and Revising Joint Venture Account Ledger Records

After the DOIs or direct billed partners are assigned to the transactions, you can review and, if necessary, revise the records in the F09J11 table using the Joint Venture Account Ledger Revisions program (P09J11).

On the Joint Venture Account Ledger Revisions form, you can review the joint venture account ledger records. Verify the DOIs or the direct billed partners that are assigned to the records. You can override the DOIs or the direct billed partners that were assigned.

When records are created in the F09J11 table, they are automatically assigned that status “Available to Process.” You can manually update this status if necessary. You can also update multiple records at the same time using the “Update Selected” or the “Update All” options.

You are also able to delete records that are not at the “Process Complete” status. After you delete the records from the F09J11 table, you can add them back to the table the next time you run the R09J400 program.

To learn more about how to distribute joint venture transactions to partners within a joint venture, check out the video and additional Quest resources attached below.

Additional Resources

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How to Distribute Joint Venture Transactions to Partners