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How to Get the Most Out of JD Edwards Manufacturing

David Greiner, a Product Manager from Oracle, spoke at INFOCUS 18 about both new and overlooked features within Manufacturing that can help users improve their processes and get the most out of JD Edwards Manufacturing.

Beneficial features include:

UX One

UX One offers out-of-the-box roles that can be utilized within Manufacturing. It’s not expected that the roles meet your every need as delivered, but they are fairly easy to configure. The three roles within UX One for Manufacturing are Plant Manager, Production Manager and Master Scheduler.

Orchestrations and Notifications

Automated Kanban Processing is one feature tied to Orchestrations that is often overlooked. With Kanban Processing, a Check Out is performed when an order is created at the Consuming Location and sent to the Supplying Location. When the order is received, completed and transferred, a Check In is performed and send back to the Consuming Location. Orchestrations are delivered for both Kanban Check In and Check Out. To see more examples of delivered packages of orchestrations and notifications, check out the full presentation below.

EnterpriseOne Messaging Center

This is one feature that is planned for the roadmap in Manufacturing. You will be able to manage your messages with sort and search, delete in groups, see notification and Work Center messages, and launch applications all from the Message Center.

Visual Bill of Material

Instead of a grid showing you your product structure, you have the ability to view everything in a tree structure. This tree shows all of the component relationships in a way that is easy to visualize and understand. You can move through the model, isolate specific components, zoom in or hover over sections for more information, or scale and rotate the model to view it in the format that works best for you.

Automatic Attachment of Parts List and Routing

Two new processing options have been added to the program used for Manufacturing Work Order creation that allow that allow the Parts List and Routing to be attached automatically when the Work Order is created. One option turns on the automatic attachment and the other specifies the version of Order Processing (31410) that you’re calling to make the attachment.

Prevent Entry of Work Orders for Obsolete Items

This feature was requested by the Manufacturing and Distribution Special Interest Group for a long time, and it is available in Applications Release 9.1. All you have to do is go into the Data Dictionary and change the Error Level to “1.”

Work Orders vs. Rate Schedules

A lot of people are unfamiliar with Rate Schedule functionality. They run Work Orders when they would actually be better off running Rate Schedules. The difference between the two is that the Work Order shows data from Work Orders as a completed sum on the day that it’s due, but Rate Schedules show the data as a progression over time, leading up to the final due date. Rate Schedules use all the same tables as Work Orders, but there is additional functionality available with Rate Schedules than with Work Orders.

Graphical Display of Work Order Operations: Drag and Drop Rescheduling

Within the Work Center Load Review Calendar, you can right-click on a Work Order to reschedule it. Once you select that option, you can use Drag and Drop Rescheduling to move Work Orders around in order to stay within capacity. This is an easy way to organize and reschedule components while still viewing the calendar as a whole.

To get started using any of these features, you’ll need JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications 9.2, Tools or above, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne AIS Server, ADF Server on WebLogic, and necessary components from the Update Center.

Learn More

To see live demonstrations of how to use these features, check out the full presentation below.

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