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From the SELECT Editors: What We're Looking Forward to at COLLABORATE 19


Each year, thousands of Oracle technology users gather at COLLABORATE to exchange knowledge and learn from some of the industry’s best minds. Held April 7-11 this year in San Antonio, Texas, COLLABORATE 19 offers more than 1,000 sessions and panels to choose from, focusing on first-hand experiences, case studies, and practical how-to content. If you’re looking to sharpen your skills and make meaningful peer-to-peer connections, COLLABORATE 19 is the place to be.

We asked the SELECT editors what they’re looking forward to most at COLLABORATE 19, why they keep coming back, advice for fellow attendees, and which sessions they’ve already earmarked. Take a look below.

“By far the best use of my time at COLLABORATE has been networking with peers. Take a minute to talk to that great speaker you spent the last hour with. Take your questions to the Oracle experts in the vendor hall and get invaluable in-depth information from the developer’s perspective. Gather all of the business cards you can get, and don’t forget to bring yours.”

– April Sims

“COLLABORATE (#C19TX) will be here sooner than you think! I’m looking forward to expanding my Oracle APEX skills with new techniques for application development at the foot of the masters, deepening my knowledge of Oracle Database 18c,and finding out more about Oracle’s road map of new features for Oracle Database 19c, especially its new Automatic Index Creation capabilities. Of course, I’m also hoping to reconnect with my friends and colleagues in beautiful San Antonio, Texas, after surviving yet another Midwestern winter.

 – Jim Czuprynski

“I look forward to COLLABORATE every year to network with other people who are doing similar types of work. Over the years I have made many friendships and can always count on these individuals if I find myself without a known Oracle resolution. The content presented is largely based on user issues and resolutions. The user issues are real problems by real users and can be implemented from the moment I get back from the conference. I have learned more Oracle lessons from the COLLABORATE events over the years than any other training session. The information is valued and used on a daily basis.”

– Mike Gangler

“Nothing trumps face-to-face and in person. That’s why I’m so looking forward to the upcoming COLLABORATE 2019 conference in San Antonio, Texas.”

– Jonathan Gennick

COLLABORATE takes place April 7-11, 2019, in San Antonio, Texas. Early bird registration rates are available through Feb. 14, 2019.

From the SELECT Editors: What We're Looking Forward to at COLLABORATE 19