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From the Editor: First SELECT Journal Hall of Fame Inductee

April Sims, Executive Editor, IOUG SELECT Journal

We are pleased to announce the Article of the Year for 2011 goes to Arup Nanda for “Cache Fusion Demystified.” You can find his article in the Q3 2011 edition of the journal. Arup consistently produces top articles for SELECT Journal; it is time he received a few accolades for his work.

This edition of SELECT Journal is all about surviving change — a never-ending march to the next piece of hardware, operating system, and software to keep it current and supported. Alex Gorbachev’s “Oracle Database Appliance” article is one example of a consolidated hardware and software solution from Oracle that helps to mitigate issues that are often seen with a more customized solution.

This issue also includes the second installation of the Oracle ACE Spotlight, where SELECT Journal gets the opportunity to highlight certain members of IOUG. Expect to catch a glimpse of what has been important in their professional careers.

New In This Issue

The first inductee into the SELECT Journal Hall of Fame is Paul Dorsey. Paul has recently stepped down after many years of steering SELECT Journal. He was instrumental in giving the journal professional integrity by implementing strict guidelines for content and a managed professional review process. This recognition means Paul will permanently be featured on the Executive Editor page. This is the highest honor we could bestow on Paul. It’s important to make sure the readers understand who was responsible for the quality publication known as SELECT Journal. A very big thank you to Paul.

2012 Themes and Topics Announcement

We are actively looking for new authors and papers written on the
following topics:

  • Q3 “Security” — Oracle Database Firewall, Audit Vault, Oracle Label Security, Oracle Advanced Security, Hardening FMW11g, Oracle Entitlements Server
  • Q4 “Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse” — Big Data, Performance, Advanced Features, Case Studies

Once again, we would like to thank all our authors and reviewers for their effort in providing high-quality content for SELECT Journal. We always welcome your input and feedback, and we especially look forward to you sharing your expertise via this fine medium.