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From the Editor: A Nod to Security

April Sims, Executive Editor, IOUG SELECT Journal

This issue is distributed at Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle’s annual conference in San Francisco. What I have seen throughout the years attending OOW is the extensive amount of networking, interaction, and discussion between Oracle employees and partners and their customers. It is important to be part of these types of discussions if you want to influence the future of an Oracle product.

This edition of SELECT Journal gives a nod to security. A key piece related to this subject is Janet Wakeley’s article, “Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Infrastructure and Operational Security.” While there are even more secure features built into OEM 12c than previous versions, it is up to an implementer to properly maintain and audit the security aspects of 12c. Look for another security-related article by Wakeley on Oracle Audit Vault in an upcoming issue.

This issue’s Oracle ACE Spotlight — wherein SELECT Journal highlights certain IOUG members — features Michelle Malcher. Malcher was chosen because she is a security-focused leader in her field. Expect to see a personal glimpse into what has been important in her professional career.

2013 Themes and Topics

We are actively looking for articles, features and discussions related to the following topics for the last issue of this year themed “Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse:” big data, performance, advanced features, and case studies. See the next issue for the announcement of 2013 themes for SELECT Journal.

Once again, we would like to thank all our authors and reviewers for their efforts in providing high-quality content for the journal. We always welcome your input and feedback, and we especially look forward to you sharing your expertise via this fine medium.