EU GDPR In Numbers

Christina Yue, Customer Learning Manager |

With the deadline for compliance for the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation set for today, you, like many business professionals, have likely read and reread legal documents and white papers. Here’s a fresh, quick look at the regulation by numbers.

20,000,000 in Euros is the potential fine for GDPR violations.

$7,800,000,000 roughly the amount Fortune’s Global 500 companies will spend in order to ensure they are compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, according to the International Association of Privacy Professionals after assessing data in a Financial Times report.

$16,000,000 the cost of GDPR for the average Fortune 500 company according to Forbes.

28 number of countries in the EU. Austria, Italy, Belgium, Latvia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Malta, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Estonia, Portugal, Finland, Romania, France, Slovakia, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Sweden, Ireland and the United Kingdom. (Yes, even after Brexit the EU includes the UK.) The Regulations apply not only to these countries but any organization in any country collecting data from EU countries.

500,000,000 the population in the EU. Data protection and the privacy of each of these individuals is at the heart of GDPR.

261 number of pages of the official GDPR document. You can read the entire document here.

99 number of articles within the GDPR. Subjects include everything from “Processing of data relating to criminal convictions and offences” to “Data protection by design and by default.”

771 number of days the GDPR gave to allow for compliance after releasing the regulations for organizations. Today is the official deadline.

6 number of data subjects’ core rights:The rights generally fall into the following areas: breach notification, right to access, right to be forgotten, data portability, privacy by design, or data protection officers.

$500,000 to $1,000,000 the amount U.S. companies spent on staffing ahead of the GDPR implementation date according to a report in the International Association of Privacy Professionals.

made-up word: Pseudonymization. OK, not really, but through the GDPR, the EU popularized the word with its demand for a data management and de-identification procedure by which personally identifiable information fields within a data record are replaced by one or more artificial identifiers, or pseudonyms.

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EU GDPR In Numbers