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Continuous Delivery: How It’s Done


Shelby Klingerman, Content Curator |

INFOCUS 18 covered a wide variety of topics, but one session in particular covered Continuous Delivery and how to do it right. The presentation covered why Continuous Delivery is important, the benefits of staying code current, and how to successfully implement Continuous Delivery in your organization.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery can be extremely beneficial to your company. With Continuous Delivery, you can implement the newest technology and functionality that is being released. This can improve your business process, employee experience and end user experience. Implementing Continuous Delivery can also help reduce risk and disruption within your company by moving away from large, daunting projects.

Benefits to staying code current

  • You are able to implement the latest features and enhancements, which can make your business more efficient.
  • Your system is fully equipped and adaptable to any future business changes.
  • You have a shorter, more manageable implementation cycle. A regular rhythm can reduce disruption, increase your ROI on maintenance and potentially lower your total cost of ownership.

Implementation tips

Staying current and having the latest features can be great for your company, but it is a process that requires a lot of thought and planning. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to work through Continuous Delivery and make it work within your organization:

  • Make sure you have the structure both internally and externally to support changes that you want to make.
  • Develop a strategy for implementation. Set a schedule that works with your resources and business constraints and defines how often you will implement new features and updates.
  • Keep up with what’s new with JD Edwards. Think about what features you want to implement and how they would affect your organization.
  • Document your business processes. Know how your organization utilizes JD Edwards and how it would change with new features.
  • Test your new features before you go live.
  • Train your users on how new features work and how they can benefit from the change.

Learn more

To learn more about Continuous Delivery and features that have been released in the last few years, check out the full presentation below:

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Continuous Delivery: How It’s Done