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Clustering PeopleSoft Applications

Shelby Klingerman, Content Curator |

Oracle’s own Senthil Kumaran and Matthew Haavisto presented a session at RECONNECT 18 about the ability to cluster PeopleSoft applications. In their session, they covered the benefits and the features while giving a live demo of how it all works.


Key Takeaways:

Here are some key takeaways from the session:

  • Clustered applications behave like they are in a seamless environment.
  • Single Sign-On allows users to access multiple homepages for the different applications without having to repeatedly sign in and out of them.
  • You can create different branding themes for different user constituencies.


What are PeopleSoft Cluster Applications?

For starters, a PeopleSoft cluster is a set of two or more PeopleSoft applications. These clustered applications behave like a seamless environment without noticeable boundaries between the applications. Clusters take advantage of Fluid features and present a simple, consistent UI throughout all of the applications. Most clustering and cross-application capabilities formerly required the Interaction Hub but now clusters can be set up with PeopleTools and Enterprise Components.


Navigating PeopleSoft Cluster Applications

One of the more popular features of PeopleSoft clusters is the ability to navigate through multiple applications through Single Sign-On. It’s a hassle to sign off and back on each time you want to move between applications. Now with clusters, all of your homepages are available at once through Single Sign-On. A drop-down menu of all the homepages is available to you at the top of your screen and it is fairly simple to add more tiles to your homepages.


Branding PeopleSoft Cluster Applications

You can brand your cluster easily using PeopleTools Macro Sets or Hub Theme Builder. Simply develop it once and then deploy it across the entire cluster. It’s also possible for you to develop different themes for different user constituencies; for example, you can have different branding for your customers than you have for your suppliers.


Additional Information

Overall, clustering applications simplifies the user experience for those who are often moving back and forth between applications. For more information about the features included in a cluster and a demonstration of how to set one up, check out the full presentation: Clustering PeopleSoft Applications.