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C19 Wrap Up: Change Management

Having a change management plan is a key factor in the overall success of a new project.

Change can often bring on a sense of uncertainty or resistance from within an organization. Users are likely to resist change or revert back to the mindset of “Why change? We’ve always done it this way in the past.”

Just because something has worked in the past doesn’t mean it’s the right solution for the future of your organization. Going through change can be extremely beneficial, especially when it can ease the manual, tedious workload that employees have and free up more time for creative, value-adding work.

To ensure that opportunities to change and improve are ultimately accepted and adopted within your organization, it’s important to develop an effective plan for change management.

Luckily, there were tons of great sessions at COLLABORATE 19 about how to develop a change management plan to help ensure acceptance and adoption of new features and projects. Check out some of the session recordings and slide decks from C19 attached below to learn about how to get started developing a plan for change management within your organization.

There are so many more great resources within the Quest Oracle Community to help members learn about the process of moving to the Oracle Cloud. To learn more, we encourage you to explore the “Learn” page on the Quest website, connect with other customers, and engage in our forums to learn from peers who have made the move to Cloud and can share tips, best practices, and lessons learned!

For a quick how-to on how to locate all of the content from COLLABORATE 19 on the Quest website, check out the Quest How To video below.