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Best Practices for JD Edwards Security

Shelby Klingerman, Content Curator |

Everyone knows that security is a crucial part of an organization’s success. It has always been a common concern, and it likely always will be. In fact, it is expected that by 2020, 100 percent of large enterprises will be asked to report to their Boards of Directors on cyber security and technology risks at least annually. This would be a 40 percent increase from 2016.

A recent presentation at INFOCUS 18 highlighted risks that users face in the digital world and some best practices for JD Edwards Security.

What we learned:

Know the Risks

There are several components that are often easy targets for security threats within an organization. Some common risks in the digital world include unsupported software, security patches, technology and compliance. It’s important to identify any vulnerabilities within your organization. If you’re unaware of them, you can’t fix them.

Focus on Key Areas of Security

There are four key areas that you should focus on to ensure that your organization is secure. These four areas include data protection, access control, secure configuration and monitoring, blocking and auditing. There are several tools and processes that can help you secure these areas. To learn more about them, check out the full presentation below.

Manage JDE Security with Security Workbench

Security Workbench helps secure your application, data and functionality. It provides you with user-based, role-bases and system-wide access control. It is important to have security for both internal and external threats. Your employees can be just as big of threats as external hackers, so it is important to monitor internal access as well as external.

Utilize Data Encryption

Protecting sensitive data is a critical business requirement in today’s workforce. Data encryption is a great way to secure your sensitive data. JD Edwards has provided the latest encryption mechanisms in 9.2 and strongly encourages users to utilize them. These features are turned on by default for Cloud users on OCI or OCI Classic but must be enabled manually for on-premise users.

Create Expanded User IDs and Passwords

Longer User IDs and passwords are stronger User IDs and passwords. JD Edwards passwords previously had a maximum length of 10 characters, but that has been extended to 40 characters. Passwords are also now case sensitive. Complex passwords are highly recommended, and some companies even enforce policies on password requirements like length, uppercase characters, special characters, numbers, etc.

Learn More

To learn more about security processes and tools within Oracle and JD Edwards, check out the full presentation below.

Want more resources like this, all in one place? Discover everything available at COLLABORATE 19, the Technology and Applications Forum for the Oracle Community, April 7-11, 2019, in San Antonio. Learn more, and follow #C19TX on Twitter to stay up-to-date on all things COLLABORATE 19!



Best Practices for JD Edwards Security