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A Master (Class) Discussion with Andy Rivenes

September 13 will be a day of learning around Oracle Database 12cR2. Join experts for the Oracle Master Class, which will focus on two of the most compelling features – Multitenancy and Database In-Memory (DBIM) – with plenty of discussion around other pertinent features.

Over the course of the coming weeks, we will sit down with speakers for what we like to call as ‘master (class) discussion’ on their particular session. This week, Andy Rivenes, Senior Principal Product Manager, Oracle Corporation, breaks down his session, “Oracle Database In-Memory Deep Dive.”

For those who have never attended an Oracle Master Class session, how would you describe the value?

Rivenes: In my opinion, one of the biggest values is in having access to industry experts in a smaller, more intimate setting where you can ask specific questions about the specific topics being discussed. This is quite a bit different than what happens at a typical user conference where you sit with a large group of people and have very little ability to interact with the speaker.

What is the one key takeaway that attendees can expect from your Oracle Master Class session?

Rivenes: A much better understanding of what Database In-Memory is and what it does. Not only are we going to talk about what it is, but we’re also going to demonstrate how it works.

Please provide a few thoughts on the role of continuing education programs like this for helping professionals in this space continually refine and enhance their knowledge and skillset.

Rivenes: Well let’s face it, nobody can know everything about everything, and you can only glean so much information from documentation. Actually seeing how something works and speaking with people who have spent a lot of time working with a particular feature is very valuable.

Throw into that mix someone who has had exposure to a lot of different customers and their unique situations, and you have an opportunity to gain information that might take a very long time to do on your own.