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5 Things That Oracle Database 12c Is Not - Part I

5 Things That Oracle Database 12c Is Not - Part I

5 Things That Oracle Database 12c Is Not

  1. Oracle Database 12c is not a return to the days of time-shared systems. Multi-tenant capability translates into numerous ways to consolidate data and security.
  2. The “C” in 12c means “Cloud” but having a single 12c database does not mean you’re cloud computing. Architecting cloud infrastructure includes knowing how multiple databases fit into that solution.
  3. Pluggable databases do not mean it arrives on a USB flash drive. However, who wouldn’t enjoy the capability to automatically prepare, package and stabilize a whole database for transport to another container, in another host, perhaps in a whole different datacenter, and then be able to “plug it in” and start it?
  4. Far Sync does not refer to some kind of science fiction time portal. We think of synchronous operations being limited to proximally close objects. The new Oracle Data Guard Far Sync feature bridges that to wide-area network compatibility.
  5. Flex ASM and Flex Clusters have nothing to do with bodybuilding. But it is a bit like seeing Advanced Storage Management (ASM) on steroids as it now can support asymmetrically configured hosts in the same cluster.

Additional Resources

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5 Things That Oracle Database 12c Is Not - Part I