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5 Signs You Need To Invest In Oracle’s SaaS Cloud Suite

According to a survey by Panorama Consulting, 81 percent of organizations are either in the process of implementing cloud software or are already finished with their cloud implementation. In fact, this Forbes article shared IDC’s prediction that cloud computing spend will greatly outpace general IT – at six times the rate, in fact — over the next several years.

What if you’re still on the fence? Before you start your move to the Cloud, consider its unique advantages and make sure they align with your company’s goals; transformation will affect your company’s budget and employees and might even come with a few growing pains. A few things to keep in mind: Cloud is based on the internet and therefore isn’t under stringent controls. And, to bring up a painfully obvious point — you can’t access Cloud programs without a working internet connection. But the fact that on-site data provides an extra security level with decreased costs makes up for it.

Oracle started their cloud-based offering, the Oracle Compute Cloud Service, in 2015 and has taken off ever since. Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the fastest-growing among Cloud offerings.

Ready to make a change and wondering if it’s time to take a leap of faith? It might be your year to switch if you can relate to any of the following:

1. You’re suffering from upgrade fatigue — Does it feel as though you’re trying to upgrade to the latest software versions, slowing down how information gets transmitted within your workplace? At some point, the frequent changes get tiring while maintenance costs keep growing. With Cloud, you’ll upgrade less frequently through an easier-to-use upgrade package.

2. You’re an small to medium business with straightforward processes — If you are a small to medium business who has managed to keep operations straightforward and would like to continue to simplify, Cloud makes sense. Read our blog about the Cloud benefits for small businessnow.

3. You have several remote employees that need to access important software from multiple locations —People have busy lives, and the line between work and personal software grows a little more blurred every day. Cloud-based services keep your workforce connected from wherever they happen to work.

4. Your legacy ERP has passed its expiration date — It never hurts to try something new, especially as we look forward to a new year. A pay-as-you-go plan ensures you only get what you pay for, so if you’re hoping for a trial run, at least it won’t be costly. Studies by TSO Logic indicate that almost half of existing virtual machines would run faster outside the traditional ERP environment. 

5. You made a resolution to invest more in security this year — Companies can consolidate their records securely in the Cloud. The security topic is still top of mind for those who are still fearful of implementation, but a study from Intel (published in Forbes) last spring showed that among IT professionals, general security sentiments regarding Cloud software jumped 76 percent within one year.

Want to hear more about Oracle SaaS Cloud suite? Join us at COLLABORATE 18, April 22 – 26 to hear firsthand from other Oracle Cloud customers who have successfully navigated the cloud journey to get insight and best practices. Plus, choose from 500 Cloud educational sessions. Register before March 8 to save up to 40 percent.

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