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4 Critical Areas on the CHRO Agenda for Disruption

Shelby Klingerman, Content Curator |

The Cloud is becoming increasingly popular in today’s workforce. Many organizations are either researching, implementing or have already completed an implementation and it has started a significant discussion around how Cloud can transform organizations moving forward.

A recent presentation focused on how Cloud can transform HR departments but also pointed out that before moving to Cloud, it’s essential to establish key areas that HR must focus on in order to evolve in the future. The presentation laid out four critical areas for Chief Human Resource Officers (CHRO) to focus on.

The CHRO Agenda for Disruption

Employee Experience

The current labor market is tight and there is a shortage of specific skills within the workforce. Skills surrounding future-ready topics like technology or skills that are a blend of technical and functional capability aren’t as common as others. It’s important to market your organization in a way that appeals to people with those rarer skills and to create an experience that attracts them to your business.

Workforce Shaping

Workforce shaping takes the place of some of your strategic business exercises. It seeks to take multiple different business futures that you may have based on several variables. It essentially asks the question of “What if?” to answer questions around different variables and predict variations of the future to find the one that works best for your organization.

Workforce Insights and Analytics

These insights and analytics inform the shaping of the organization, like the employee experience and workforce shaping. Untraditional datasets like data around performance, turnover or future performance can benefit your organization more than the traditional datasets around headcount that many companies usually collect.

 Purpose and Culture

This aspect has been the CHRO agenda for quite some time but without a clear mandate. Several studies have shown that when asked, a CEO will say, “If I need to make a change to my culture, I’ll call my CHRO before anyone else.” This gives the CHRO the responsibility and accountability for the culture of the organization. This model works to make organizations “more than a job.” It’s important to focus on features that will attract and, more importantly, retain talent in new generations.

Learn More

To learn more new HR roles that will drive value in the future and the ways Cloud can help HR departments evolve as they grow in the future, check out the full presentation below.



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4 Critical Areas on the CHRO Agenda for Disruption