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2016: A Successful PeopleSoft Year In Review

It’s that time of year when many people are reflecting on 2016 and thinking about what’s ahead. It’s no different for me. When I look at our community’s accomplishments from 2016, I am not even sure where to begin as there have been many successes for Quest, specifically within the PeopleSoft community.

Growth in Key Areas

Quest has five focus areas in which customers can participate to get the most value. Customers can participate in two of these areas at no expense: Special Interest Groups, which help customers get more focused education and networking based on their desired focused, and Online Learning.

The remaining areas of participation are paid membership and event attendance. These require monetary investment, but are proven to be the most impactful to our customers’ success. That being the case, we want to drive customers into the deepest levels of engagement—membership and event attendance—not because they drive revenue, but because they are proven to lead to higher satisfaction levels for customers and because we know those investments help us improve our services and reach more of the community.

This year we saw a huge uptick in these focus areas, indicating the Quest PeopleSoft community is alive and continues to grow.

Continued Service through Content

As the community grows, Quest continues to support the needs of its users through education, and we have designed some new initiatives and programs I am excited to share with you. We have recently launched our first Customer Stories page. We know that the best part of our community is our users and how they engage with one another. Customers telling their story about what they are doing well can help other customers be successful regardless of what industry or stage of a project they are in. If you are interested in sharing your story with the community, please feel free to reach out to me at christina.yue@questdirect.org

We have also revamped our Content Centers, an area for customers to get information on the hottest topics our customers are talking about. We want to help the community tackle the top-of-mind issues by providing curated content from customers, partners and Oracle.

We continue to invest in our events, COLLABORATE and RECONNECT. Our events are great opportunities to learn more about the PeopleSoft product, but also to connect with users like you. If you are unfamiliar, COLLABORATE focuses on your PeopleSoft ecosystem, possible Oracle Cloud integrations, business processes, data governance, etc., and provides strategic, executive-level content for decision making purposes.

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RECONNECT is an event focused solely on helping customers build their PeopleSoft expertise. This event continues to grow so much that, for 2017, we have decided to expand the conference from a two-and-a-half day to a three day deep-dive event. We will be providing more details in early 2017 about exactly what this expansion will look like, but the Quest staff is excited to grow this event organized by PeopleSoft customer for PeopleSoft customers.

Those are just a few of the highlights from 2016 and key areas to look forward to in 2017. Thank you to everyone in the community that has helped us be successful and pushed us to think outside the box and grow in ways we couldn’t imagine. Quest wouldn’t be Quest without the customers, Oracle representatives, and partners who trust in us and allow us to provide the information needed by the community. We look forward to continuing the momentum and being the go-to place for the PeopleSoft community.

If you have any questions, or if we can be of any assistance, please feel free to reach out to us!

2016: A Successful PeopleSoft Year In Review