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Your 2019 Resolution – Lively & Quick Processing

With another year almost upon us, it’s time to explore better ways to do business. During this webinar we’ll look at three solutions to help you and your team have a stress-less year end. From data archiving and purging, to AP invoice automation, to fast tracking your forms with BI publisher – these three value-added products can bring efficiency to your JDE year-round day to day tasks and give you a jump on a cleaner year end. Join us to learn more about how each solution can contribute to year end success and get you on a better path for 2019.
1) Discover how Oracle Validated Integration products can benefit year end and year-round processes
2) Learn why archive / purge and AP invoice automation are critical to year end and day to day activities
3) Explore BI Publisher Packs to fast track your everyday forms
Presented by, Michael Guerin, Senior Advisor at TeamCain Solutions Inc