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CANCELLED: Lead or Get Left Behind: B2B Digital Commerce for JD Edwards

Presented by Fermin Rodriguez & Diego Fernandez, SmarterCommerce by Premier

Forrester recently stated that “B2B buyers are escalating their use of digital channels to research and complete purchases.” For JD Edwards IT leaders, a B2B online selling strategy has never been more important.

JD Edwards customers must understand the current B2B ecommerce landscape and adopt solutions that enable unified customer data, consistent business rules across all sales channels, and real-time ERP integration to stay competitive. IT leaders can enable winning digital strategies by adopting approaches that deliver seamless omni-channel, B2B customer engagement and JD Edwards integration.

Attendee Objective 1: Understand key ecommerce trends
Attendee Objective 2: Explore the key considerations for JD Edwards customers in an ecommerce project
Attendee Objective 3: Understand leading JD Edwards ecommerce solutions