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JD Edwards on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – a path to modernize your technology infrastructure

JD Edwards on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – a path to modernize your technology infrastructure
Presenter: Gary Grieshaber, Vice President, Product Strategy at Oracle JD Edwards
The success of your enterprise depends on the choices you make—your ability to innovate quickly, to support your organizational growth and expansion strategies, to react nimbly to changing conditions, and to do so in a cost efficient manner. A “Move and Improve” of your JD Edwards to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides you with an option to improve your agility and ability to innovate while retaining the JD Edwards you Know, Own, and have tailored for your business. The flexible, configurable JD Edwards applications and architecture have long empowered customers to thrive in the midst of disruption. And now the prospect of deploying JD Edwards in the Cloud —particularly by leveraging the IaaS and PaaS layers of the Oracle cloud, brings even more choice, agility, and control to both IT and line of business.