JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator: As If You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Better
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator is proving to be one of the most significant, transformational enhancements ever to be added to the JD Edwards product. It is a major driving force of the JD Edwards 9.2 Digital Platform. Hopefully you have had a chance to attend or review some of the excellent webinars offered during Quest Orchestrator Week in which customers, partners, and the Oracle product development team shared stories about using Orchestrator for process automation, integration, user interfaces, mobile, Internet of Things, and a wide variety of solutions that are changing how they perceive their trusted JD Edwards platform. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…join this Quest Experience Week webinar to get a close look at the latest enhancements to Orchestrator. Sit down, sign on to the webinar, and take a breath. Your future is about to change.
Presented by AJ Schifano, Oracle
Part of Quest Experience Week. Click here for more information.