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e-Commerce for JDE: Considering Project Integration & API’s

JDE, The Source of Record:  Synchronization
Middleware:  Duplication & Synchronization
Commercial e-Commerce systems are standalone. They duplicate and synchronize:
•    Customers (Hierarchy, Customer Master, Email, Security)
•    Products (Type, Pricing, Branch-Plant, Availability, UoM, Rich Content)
•    Orders (Header, Details, Dates, Payments, Documents)
•    Logistics (Freight, Carriers, Tracking, Notifications, Back-Order)
•    Finance (Invoices, Payments, Credits, Tax, Reconciliation)
Synchronize only is a superior approach as data changes automatically update the storefront. Separate systems (duplication) is expensive, hard to manage and causes integrity issues.
EASYCommerce uses synchronization which offers lower-costs, quicker deployment & improved customer satisfaction. API’s provide Google Translate, Analytics, CRM, Social-Media, Live-Chat, Gateway, and Tax integrations.
1. Find out the reasons why to avoid duplication & synchronization for your e-commerce site
2. See how to expand e-commerce functionality with API calls
3. Give yourself a competitive edge with a more efficient storefront